l ron hubbard wife

"I thought he was pretty. Fearing arrest, he fled to Washington, D.C. with a handful of aides while Mary Sue was left behind in Florida continuing her day-to-day management activities. Sometimes when the two of them were sitting at the table together, the hostility was almost tangible. The Hubbards moved back to London in February 1959, settling for a while in Golders Green. "[42] He began an affair with the twenty-year-old Klowden, much to the annoyance of Northrup, who was clearly aware of the liaison. L. Ron Hubbard was not in any way a nice guy, he was a deeply horrible person (who was also correctly described by our moderator freezoneandproud as a "rat bastard"). or so the stories go. She attempted to flee on a ferry but Hubbard caught up with her and convinced her to stay, saying that he was in the process of getting a divorce and that an attorney had told him that the marriage with Northrup was legal. [48] Meisner became increasingly reluctant to cooperate with his GO handlers and in April 1977 he was forcibly taken by GO staff to a new hiding place. [citation needed], The Hubbards traveled to England in September 1952 when Mary Sue was eight months pregnant. She made a striking impression on the other lodgers; George Pendle describes her as "feisty and untamed, proud and self-willed, she stood five foot nine, had a lithe body and blond hair, and was extremely candid. It has been variously defined as a cult, a business, or a new religious movement. 24 Award-winning Authors and Illustrators 3 Bonus Short Stories by Kevin J. Anderson L. Ron Hubbard S. M. Stirling Art and . [35] The presence of the Hubbards was meant to be a secret, but in January 1976 he was recognized by a science fiction fan while on a shopping trip. The fact is that Hubbard had been married 3 times at the time of the interview. This, plus her absolute control of the GO, made it difficult for the Church missionaires [Sea Org staff dispatched to achieve a target or specific goal] to get anything done. Mary Sue was promoted to the position of Controller "for life" of the Guardian's Office in January 1969, with one of her subordinates, Jane Kember, being appointed to Mary Sue's old post of Guardian. However, there were a number of obstacles to overcome before the termination of the GO could be accomplished. "[8] He was a striking figure who habitually wore dark glasses and carried a cane with a silver handle, the need for which he attributed to his wartime service: as Northrup later put it, "He was not only a writer but he was the captain of a ship that had been downed in the Pacific and he was weeks on a raft and had been blinded by the sun and his back had been broken. [73], A month later, in the English High Court of Justice, Mr Justice Latey declared in a case in which Scientology was a prominent issue that "Mr Hubbard is a charlatan and worse, as are his wife, Mary Sue Hubbard, and the clique at the top privy to the cult's activities. . It appears that originally they never secretly intended to bring this boat around to the California coast to sell at a profit, as they told Jack, but rather to have a good time on it on the east coast. "[15], Mary Sue became pregnant again four months after Quentin's birth and on February 13, 1955, in Washington, D.C., she gave birth to her second daughter, Mary Suzette Rochelle Hubbard. [40], Dianetics became an immediate bestseller when it was published in May 1950. Lafayette Ron Hubbard is a controversial figure. [53] Mary Sue, who had last met with her husband a few months before his disappearance, never saw or heard from him again. On the other hand her credibility leaves much to be desired. Her body was cremated two days later and her ashes were scattered at sea off the California coast,[2] where L. Ron Hubbard's ashes had similarly been scattered in January 1986. She informed us that she did not appreciate our investigation of the GO and that if one were needed she would do it. Hubbard face was washed to polish the skin, put the hair and dressed his body in expensive suit, tucked under the collar silk scarf and to heighten the effect, put a stack of neatly arranged entourage books.Hubbard lit around the floodlights, and four-point system of Hollywood lighting, already guaranteed a quality image. Instead, he said, if Northrup really loved him she should kill herself. [44] Klowden recalled that Northrup "was very hostile to me. She obtained a Hubbard Dianetic Auditor's Certificate and joined the Foundation's staff. [43] She left Wichita as soon as Alexis was returned to her. "I just ran across the airfield, across the runways, to the airport and got on the plane. She had been part of Jack Parsons' group because "she had been sent in there by the Russians. 6.3K Northrup was one of five children born to Thomas Cowley, an Englishman working for the Standard Oil Company, and his wife, Olga Nelson, the daughter of a Swedish immigrant to the United States. I make this statement of my own free will for I have begun to realize that what I have done may have injured the science of Dianetics, which in my studied opinion may be the only hope of sanity in future generations. members. Every effort was made to butcher my personal reputation. Quentin committed suicide in Las. He promised that he would tell her where Alexis was if she signed a piece of paper saying that she had gone with him voluntarily. [69] She was sent to the federal prison in Lexington, Kentucky, to serve her sentence,[70] though in the end, she was released after only a year of imprisonment.[71]. It began when Sara's father died. "[50], Three weeks later, Hubbard abducted both Northrup and Alexis. [68] The original sentence of five years imprisonment was not carried out, and the court ordered a study of her claimed medical problems, before eventually replacing her sentence with a four-year term of imprisonment, with parole set at 40 months. There he wrote a letter informing the FBI that Northrup and her lover Miles Hollister whom he had fired from the Foundation's staff and, according to Hollister, had also threatened to kill[54] were among fifteen "known or suspected Communists" in his organization. In reality, Hubbard had made an unsuccessful request for assistance from the US military attach to Havana. Her disruptive behavior appalled Fred Gwynn, a new O.T.O. The Hubbards returned to the United States in November when their visa expired and moved into an apartment in Philadelphia. Her allegations produced more lurid headlines: not only was Hubbard accused of bigamy and kidnapping, but she had been subjected to "systematic torture, including loss of sleep, beatings, and strangulations and scientific experiments". We were talking about guns and she said to me that I was the type to use a Saturday night special" (a very cheap "junk gun"). Drug addiction set in fall 1950. By this time the Foundation had filed for bankruptcy, and Hubbard's erstwhile backer, Don Purcell, was left to deal with its substantial debts. of age, 5'10", 140 lbs. My wits never gave way under all you did and let them do but my body didn't stand up. She turned up destitute and pregnant. "[73] He publicly portrayed his marital problems as being entirely the fault of Northrup and her lover Hollister: The money and glory inherent in Dianetics was entirely too much for those with whom I had the bad misfortune to associate myself including a woman who had represented herself as my wife and who had been cured of severe psychosis by Dianetics, but who, because of structural brain damage would evidently never be entirely sane. "[3] Russell Miller gives a different explanation: "Hubbard wanted to go to London to establish his control over the small Dianetics group which had formed there spontaneously and Mary Sue insisted on accompanying him. She had attached herself to a Jack Parsons, the rocket expert, during the war and when she left him he was a wreck. Although Hubbard himself was much admired by Scientologists, his wife was said to be much less popular. He was having a lot of problems with her. "[69], On June 12, Hubbard was awarded a divorce in the County Court of Sedgwick County, Kansas on the basis of Northrup's "gross neglect of duty and extreme cruelty", which had caused him "nervous breakdown and impairment to health. After two days of shredding, any documents . [38] Northrup became Hubbard's personal auditor (Dianetic counselor)[39] and was hailed by him as one of the first Dianetic "Clears". [42] Northrup recalled that "he used to Parsons took an immediate liking to Hubbard and invited him to stay in the house for the duration of his leave. On "Scientology and the Aftermath," Leah Remini discussed the family members of Scientology founder L. Ron Hubbard and the abuse they suffered. in October 1969, the newspaper printed a statement attributed to the Church of Scientology (but written by Hubbard himself[80]) that asserted: Hubbard broke up black magic in America L. Ron Hubbard was still an officer of the US Navy because he was well known as a writer and a philosopher and had friends amongst the physicists, he was sent in to handle the situation. In 1923 the family moved to Pasadena, a destination said to have been chosen by Olga using a Ouija board. "[53] She was bundled into the back of a car and driven to San Bernardino, California, where Hubbard attempted to find a doctor to examine his wife and declare her insane. It's notable for a number of reasons. In three years of marriage to Hubbard, she had set up home in seven different states and had never stayed in one place for more than a few months. . [47], Klowden recalled later that "he was very down in the dumps about his wife. . L. Ron Hubbard, in full Lafayette Ronald Hubbard, (born March 13, 1911, Tilden, Nebraska, U.S.died January 24, 1986, San Luis Obispo, California), American novelist and founder of the Church of Scientology. [61], Northrup filed for divorce on April 23, 1951, charging Hubbard with "extreme cruelty" causing her "great mental anguish and physical suffering". [4] She was sexually active from an unusually young age and often said she lost her virginity at the age of ten.[5]. Ernie was adopted by Mrs. Kanzler, the sister of the wife of Edsel Ford, at the request of Katherine Hepburn. "[11], Helen was far less sanguine, writing in her diary of "the sore spot I carried where my heart should be",[11] and had furious sometimes violent rows with both Parsons and Northrup. She was a leading figure in Scientology for much of her life. At six-twenty-five I would go into his office with a jacket for him to wear to table and after dinner they would spend an hour or so watching television with the children and then he and Mary Sue would return to work in their separate offices. This was done before his divorce from his first wife, Polly. Despite this, she still "felt so guilty about the fact that he was so psychologically damaged. [43] L. Ron Hubbard was said to have been fully aware of the GO's actions; the US government would later declare him to be an "unindicted co-conspirator" in the GO's illegal activities. Parsons was deeply dismayed but tried to put a brave face on the situation, informing Aleister Crowley: About three months ago I met Captain [sic] L. Ron Hubbard, a writer and explorer of whom I had known for some time He is a gentleman; he has red hair, green eyes, is honest and intelligent, and we have become great friends. [54], Hubbard nonetheless remained active in the management of Scientology. She is all I have to live for. Your passion for Betty also gave you the magical force needed at the time, and the act of adultery tinged with incest, served as your magical confirmation in the law of Thelema. It was clear their marriage was breaking up she was very critical of him and he told me she was fooling around with Hollister and he didn't trust her. Hubbard's financial troubles were reflected in his attempts to persuade the Veterans Administration to increase his pension award on the grounds of a variety of ailments which he said were preventing him finding a job. I telephoned Hubbard's lawyer in Elizabeth and warned him: "Listen, asshole, if you don't get that baby back I'm going to burn you. In 1947, Polly filed for divorce and was granted the custody of her children . With 19 New York Times bestsellers and more than 350 million copies of his works in circulation, L. Ron Hubbard is among the most enduring and widely read authors of our time. This was the only time Hubbard allowed an outside crew to interview him. "[51], In July 1986 she was interviewed by the ex-Scientologist Bent Corydon several months after Hubbard's death, which had reduced her fear of retaliation. They spent most of their time working; there was very little socializing. Granada's reporter commented: "What Hubbard said happens to be untrue. [47] The GO's agent in the IRS, Michael Meisner, was ordered to obtain all files concerning L. Ron and Mary Sue Hubbard from the IRS Office of International Operations, which he succeeded in infiltrating. She told the court that she had not seen her husband since January 1980, "but I've written him personal letters but I don't believe he's getting them" as he had not replied to them. She gave Hubbard an ultimatum: get treatment or she would leave with the baby. She was forced from her post as controller, convicted and imprisoned as a felon, and deserted by her husband. member, wrote to Karl Germer to explain the situation: As you may know by this time, Brother John signed a partnership agreement with this Ron and Betty whereby all money earned by the three for life is equally divided between the three. [45] Mary Sue was closely involved in the strategy; a letter written by her, approving the thefts, was later used in evidence against her. According to Northrup, Hubbard began beating her when they were in Florida in the summer of 1946. Mr. Ronald Reagan President . After Hubbard was convicted of petty theft in San Luis Obispo in August 1948,[32] the couple moved again to Savannah, Georgia. I'll just go to the airplane. [75] L. Ron Hubbard died on January 24, 1986, at his ranch near Creston, California. If she could not break it up by making social engagements with key personnel she, and her gang, would go out to a bar and keep calling in asking for certain people to come to the telephone. When she first came to me with this wild story about how her husband had taken her baby I was determined to help her all I could. Pat Broeker, Hubbard's personal messenger at the time, had gone into hiding with him once before and knew how. He succeeded in escaping in May and turned himself in to the FBI, making a full confession. The attach did not act on the request; having asked the FBI for background information, he was told that Hubbard had been interviewed but the "agent conducting interview considered Hubbard to be [a] mental case. They married April 25, 1909, in Omaha, Nebraska. Her real motive in filing for divorce, he said, was to seize control of Dianetics. I see her every day. Sorted by date as received from FBI archives. The. The case eventually came to trial in September 1979, following months of delay occasioned by a fierce rear-guard action by the Church of Scientology's lawyers. I was under enormous stress and my advisers insisted it was necessary for me to carry through an action as I have done. Northrup and Hubbard had frequent rows and his violent behaviour towards her continued unabated. [It] was made clear that we had no choice but to overthrow the GO and dismiss everyone who had violated Church policy or the law. [47], The espionage continued for another three months before Meisner's luck ran out and he was caught in June 1976. I did not know or realize these things until I myself investigated the matter. TIL L Ron Hubbard's first wife once discovered two love letters the Scientology founder had written, to two different women, in the couple's outgoing mail. in 1941, at Parsons' urging, and was given the title of Soror [Sister] Cassap. His sexual difficulties with Northrup, for which he was taking testosterone supplements, are a significant feature of the document. She was born into a criminal atmosphere, her father having a criminal record. He briefed the divorce court reporters for the Los Angeles Times and the Examiner, who were both women and early feminists, to ensure that "they knew what a bastard this guy Hubbard was. The news story which the photograph accompanied has been republished by the Church with all mention of Northrup edited out from the text. Polly Hubbard had filed for divorce on the grounds of desertion and non-support, and was not even aware that Hubbard was living with Northrup, let alone that he had married her. . They eventually married and got a house in Malibu and we became friends; I remember they introduced me to pot. He kept her sitting up in a chair, denying her sleep, trying to use Black Dianetic principles on her, repeating over and over again whatever he wanted her to do. caused further tensions in the house, which Aleister Crowley heard about from communications from her housemates. The dispute immediately became front-page news: the newspapers ran headlines such as "Cult Founder Accused of Tot Kidnap", "'Dianetic' Hubbard Accused of Plot to Kidnap Wife", and "Hiding of Baby Charged to Dianetics Author". In the pulp-printed pages of a May 1950 issue of Astounding Science Fiction, L. Ron Hubbard published, for the first time, a work that would one day grow into an entire religion: Dianetics. Evidently a prime mover but very young. His misfortunes had been caused by "a woman known as Sara Elizabeth Northrup . She began an affair with Wilfred Smith, Parsons' mentor in the O.T.O. In July 1949 I was in Elizabeth, New Jersey, writing a movie. L. Ron Hubbard was born in 1911 in Tilden, Nebraska, to Harry Ross Hubbard (1886-1975) and Ledora May Waterbury, whom Harry had married in 1909. Also note that Hubbard married his second wife whilst he was still married to his first wife. I hope my heart lasts. Northrup's attorney filed another petition asking for Hubbard's assets to be frozen as he had been found "hiding" in Wichita "but that he would probably leave town upon being detected". She became involved in Hubbard's Dianetics in 1951, while still a student at the University of Texas at Austin, becoming a Dianetics auditor. His search was unsuccessful and he released her at Yuma Airport across the state line in Arizona. 6 Yet remarkably, despite the tantalizing scandal that surrounds it in popular culture, Scientology . She gave Hubbard four more children - Diana, Quentin, Suzette and Arthur - over the next six years. He replied, "You know, I'm a public figure and you're nobody, so if you have to go through the divorce, I'll accuse you of desertion so it won't look so bad on my public record. Helen and Jack were engaged in July 1934[6] and married in April 1935. After the vessel had been renovated by Scientologists, Mary Sue and the children moved into the upper-deck accommodation in November 1968. I want her always. Mary Sue Hubbard (ne Whipp; June 17, 1931 - November 25, 2002 [1]) was the third wife of L. Ron Hubbard, from 1952 until his death in 1986. [44], One of their primary targets was the IRS, with which Scientology was engaged in a bitter battle over tax exemptions. The Guardian Office was no respector of anyone's civil rights, particularly that of privacy. [59], In July 1981, all remaining GO staff were ordered to join the Sea Org, which would thus secure the CMO's control of the Guardian's Office, and the current Guardian, Jane Kember who was one of those convicted on conspiracy charges was to be removed. [58] She subsequently changed her mind, believing that she had been tricked, and wrote to her husband to complain but received no response. Born as Henry August Wilson, adopted by James W. Hubbard and Philena Jane Potter Hubbard, who changed his name to Harry Ross Hubbard. By that time, Hubbard had separated from his first wife, Margaret "Polly" Grubb, but he was still legally married to her when he proposed to Northrup. An attempt was made to have her sign an affidavit stating that she was in fact the daughter of L. Ron Hubbard's first son, her half-brother L. Ron Hubbard, Jr.[87], As the United Press International news agency noted, Church of Scientology biographies of Hubbard's life do not mention either of his first two wives. [1], Mary Sue Whipp was born in Rockdale, Texas, to Harry Hughes Whipp (Sept 2, 1893 Oct 30 1942) and Mary Catherine (ne Hill) Whipp. A curly haired, middle-aged woman - who US magazine National . To Hubbard, her sadness was nothing more than an annoyance. [17] Although they got on well as fellow occultists, tensions between the two men were apparent in more domestic settings. Your character is superior. I then confronted the mutineers, and persuaded Mary Sue Hubbard to again resign, which ended the last vestige of GO resistance.[63]. [24] It was not until much later that Northrup discovered that Hubbard had never been divorced from his first wife, Margaret "Polly" Grubb; the marriage was bigamous. I thought to myself, 'My God, I can't tell her. [62] She had consulted doctors who "concluded that said Hubbard was hopelessly insane, and, crazy, and that there was no hope for said Hubbard, or any reason for her to endure further; that competent medical advisers recommended that said Hubbard be committed to a private sanatorium for psychiatric observation and treatment of a mental ailment known as paranoid schizophrenia."[62]. Meals for the Commodore and his family were cooked in a separate galley by their personal chef, using ingredients brought by couriers from the United States.[26]. An explorer, a mystic, a bestselling author, a nuclear physicist . . There, creased between space adventures and tales of alien invasion, were the pages . [21] Parsons subsequently resorted to more conventional means of obtaining redress and sued the couple on July 1 in the Circuit Court for Dade County. [45] One evening he arranged a double-date with his wife and Klowden, who was accompanied by Hollister, an instructor in the Los Angeles Dianetic Foundation. [42] Mary Sue continued to manage the GO from her various residences aboard the Apollo, and the villa in Tangier. [13], Similar concerns were expressed by other O.T.O. [deleted] 6 yr. ago. She may have a record . He wasn't married to her. While still quite racist, L. Ron was actually far less racist than his contemporaries. L. Ron Hubbard started beating his wife during summer 1946. You are a greater person. I believed Sara absolutely; there was no question about the truth in my opinion. L. Ron Hubbard's drug use is a classic example of his hypocrisy. [67] She met him in Wichita to resolve the situation. That's it. And I'm very happily married just now. [84] Even his own staff were shocked by the contents of Hubbard's letter; he ended his instructions to them with the statement, "Decency is not a subject well understood". He had Dick de Mille reciting this sort of thing day and night to her. [19] His health and emotional difficulties were reflected in another, much more private, document which has been dubbed "The Affirmations". ismertebb nevn L. Ron Hubbard amerikai sci-fi -r s a szcientolgia egyhz alaptja. [8] In October 1953 they returned to the US where Hubbard gave a series of lectures in Camden, New Jersey and established the first Church of Scientology. The final version of Dianetics was written at Bay Head, New Jersey in a cottage which the science fiction editor John W. Campbell had found for the Hubbards. Worried about the chances of his own prosecution or being served with lawsuits, Hubbard slipped away into hiding. I was rather surprised when we were driving back to LA on Sunday evening, he stopped at a florist to buy some flowers for his wife. He dubbed her "the alley-cat" after an unnamed mutual acquaintance told him that Parsons's attraction to her was like "a yellow pup bumming around with his snout glued to the rump of an alley-cat. I know, because I personally met with her and obtained her resignation At first, Mary Sue Hubbard was not willing to resign. . member living in the commune at 1003 South Orange Grove Avenue: "Betty went to almost fantastical lengths to disrupt the meetings [of the O.T.O.] But he did save her life and pull her out of that whole black magic ring. 3839. [66] She lost her final appeal in April 1982[67] and was ordered to begin a prison term in January 1983. In 1933, Northrup's 22-year-old sister Helen met the 18-year-old Jack Parsons, a chemist who went on to be a noted expert in rocket propulsion. L. Ron Hubbard Presents Writers Of The Future; Tuesday Trash And Trouble ~ The Friday Night Mystery Club by Joanna Campbell Slan; The Adventures Of Winston The Pig: Meet Winston ~ Guest Post And Giveaway; No Small Murder ~ A Mini-Meadows Mystery by Lena Gregory; Invocation: Days Of Iron & Clay by Aileen Erin ~ Cover Reveal And Giveaway; categories

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