msf young avengers counter

Pym Tech has no means to remove debuffs, so A.I.M.s main strength will remain unopposed and good enough for an easy win with a considerable punch-up. With the official War Bot, you can get partial answers to your questions. MARVEL Strike Force Software SCOPELY Trauma and Heal block are everything you need against Young Avengers. View Strong and Weak Team Counters with specific Power recommendations. The names of the teams for which I will suggest counters will be highlighted. Each member has unique skills that can be used to defeat enemies. To prevent that you must send a sacrifice team (I am using X-Force because they play first in War and Deadpool removes debuffs passively). "Haha, your infantry will never be able to directly assault the Maginot line.". The following table describes each character as follows: Many MSF players want to know what the perfect counter is for the Young Avengers. It is questionable who should be replaced with Emma. America Chavez, better known as simply Ms. America, is as stubborn as she is tough. Once Omega Red is ready to cast his ultimate skill, you can target Dormammu to kill him. Underworld is the top team for War Offense. Symbiotes with Skirmisher + Silver Surfer, Darkhold (without Scarlet Witch) + Emma/Loki/Cable. Gamers should keep in mind that you have a limited number of attacks for each room, so you have to plan accordingly. Moreover, Underworld is also a natural counter for Young Avengers. In War, Weapon X is a viable solution for YA. For example, if your Uxmen are 400k strong you can freely engage 1 million strong Axmen. IW also has some always-hitting attacks, and more importantly, they start combat with Safeguard and Immunity. Green Goblin is your solution for targets in stealth. That is why it is important to be patient and not over-damage Doctor Doom before your allies are fully charged and ready to bring the annihilation. In AW, Namors ultimate always crits and removes positive effects from enemies while reducing their speed by 50% which will give you an opportunity to set up the perfect opening. She's got a variety of abilities to help her along, from enhanced speed and strength to flight. At the Top of the page, you have a list of Teams and with a simple click on the teams name, you will be instantly transferred to their list of counters with a brief explanation for each counter. I had some success against the pre-Kate version of YA with the old pre-Shang-Chi H4H counter - Black Bolt, YoYo, Kestrel, Surfer, and Doom/Emma. Web Warriors fulfills those requirements in full. New Bionic Avengers proves to be a really powerful team. X-Force is a natural counter for the Mercenary team in War. It's gotta be, right? Very concise and appreciated. To beat them you must use their duplicate. Dr. Doom Basic will never miss, same as Doombots. However, not all players know which members form part of the Weapon X team. They have Immunity and Safeguard at the start (will protect them against initial mass Blind and buffs stealing) and their damage potential is high enough to deal with the new Horseman team. We at are in the process of revamping our Offensive Counters for Alliance Wars in Marvel Strike Force content. You will not have Stun prolonged, but hey there is your Dormammu to say a few things to YA. Brotherhood is a natural counter to Pym Tech. If they are boosted by Dormammu, the only thing you have to do is add Dormammu to the Underworld team. We don't know who will be the fifth character to fill out the team yet, but my money is on Hawkeye favorite, Kate Bishop. Well, were officially in the Spider-Verse now! 2023 - Nerds on Earth. in War, they will place Trauma, Heal Block, and Blind the entire enemy team, which should be more than enough for everything H4H has to offer. Having that in mind, it would be a mistake to forget to mention the team who is assembled to be the counter for BO. Unlimited X-Men can always beat Sinister Six regardless of power, just by using Rogues special on Dr. Octopus. It is mandatory that Agathas ultimate is on level 7. Most importantly it is commonly known that you can afford a big punch-up as long as your Thanos uses his special after enemy Thanos do the same. How to Counter Kate & Young Avengers - MARVEL Strike Force - Amazon Coins - MSF MobileGamer365 70.6K subscribers Subscribe 588 Share 33K views 11 months ago Get up to 20% off in-app. X-Men are logical counters to Brotherhood, but the presence of DD can fully change the outcome. clave [dot] jones [at] nerdsonearth [dot] com, jasonsansbury [at] gangsta mail [dot] com, abram [dot] towle [at] nerdsonearth [dot] com. The idea behind that request is that content is more user-friendly and that users dont have to check if the mentioned counter is good enough for the feature they are playing at the moment. As long as Night Nurses ultimate is on level 7, you have nothing to fear because Symbiotes debuffs will be your advantage on NNs turn. It is important to say that they can beat Dormhold even without Dormammu (due to ZIMs ability to prevent Revives) but the punch-up cannot be as high as usual. Unfortunately, there cannot be a significant punch-up here. The most powerful replacement is obviously Dormammu. Outside of Cosmic Crucible, Unlimited X-Men dont have Safeguard at the start of combat which opens a possibility for Ikaris to flip all their initial buffs. Bionic Avengers is a natural counter for Axmen. Maybe the best option against Uxmen is a duplicate team boosted with Emma Frost. Red target frames around characters should be targeted first. She is a damage-dealer and fits the Striker class quite well. All teams that can use Wakandas buffs against them are natural picks. You should thus ensure that you make the most of her attacks. Our Web-Warriors are comprised of Spider-Man, Spider-Man (Miles), Ghost-Spider, Scarlet Spider, and Spider-Punk. Create an account to follow your favorite communities and start taking part in conversations. They have the best self-sustain in the game and they seem immune to debuffs. Weapon X is one of the best War teams, and their ruling quality is that they have the same bonuses in attack and Defense. Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts. Unlimited X-Men is another natural counter. It is still early to accurately suggest which teams are justified to be used against Death Seed in WAR. Its a sentiment that a lot of other players have echoed as well. Plus, Spider-Man is an iconic Marvel character, and so its nice to be able to play with him and not lament about his weakness. ADVERTISEMENT Bionic Avengers Infinity Watch Unlimited X-Man Spider-Man (Miles) is a utility knife, Speeding Up allies and slowing down enemies giving you trouble. Below you will see the list of viable counters. If you have RNG on your side (your OR needs to play first or need not be targeted by his OR if he plays first), some fine punch-up victories are achievable with mirror matches. In War that wouldnt be so smart, but in Cosmic Crucible, it is definitely possible. By accepting all cookies, you agree to our use of cookies to deliver and maintain our services and site, improve the quality of Reddit, personalize Reddit content and advertising, and measure the effectiveness of advertising. It is sufficient to say that Infinity Watch cannot beat them in War to understand that they are extremely strong and dangerous. Counter Command Gives Strong And Weak Counters Against A Target. The presence of Crystal grants healing to your Inhumans while Eternals are doing the job and BB is here only to exploit his passive and finish out enemies earlier. She allegedly becomes more powerful with Hero Brawler allies. If combined with Doctor Doom, A-Force is fully equipped to deal with YA. Omega Reds passive will place Trauma and Heal Block on start, which will fully neutralize Squirrel Girl. If your Omega Red is playing the first target opponent Omega Red, focus on him with other characters and try to turn rewind Silver Samurai (with Lady Deathstike). However, to be sure that your Eternals will be victorious make sure that they will play first by adding Loki and Emma into the equation. At the moment we have only the most important Defense Teams mentioned, but as time passes, we will add all teams along with their counters (including teams that are specifically meant only for offense). Anyway, now that this stupid pop-up is here, I'll tell you that if you like Nerds on Earth, you should give our email list a try. Unfortunately, her grandmother fell ill and became too frail to continue weaving the beautiful textiles that paid her tuition. However, you may be in a tricky situation if Spider-Weaver stuns Viv-Vision on her first turn. They said it wasn't close either. We are a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for us to earn fees by linking to and affiliated sites. That fact allows you some punch-ups, but dont be greedy and do not risk unreal matchups. MSF: Young Avengers counter - The combination of Dormammu and Young Avengers is pretty common nowadays. In even match-up, X-Factor with Namor can deal with Black Order without many difficulties. A huge punch-up is possible. Players can place an Ability Block effect on Spider-Weaver to prevent her from casting a stun on Viv-Vision. After that with your Skirmishers remove Immunity from Dormammu and use Omega Reds ultimate on him as the primary target. If you use Dormhold, a punch-up can be significantly higher, and the strategy is the same. Especially when they are fighting versus a team not specialized for Defense. MSF: Spider weaver counter MSF: Spider weaver counter January 12, 2023 During MSF Cosmic Crucible and Alliance War, you may have to counter Spider-Weaver and the Bionic Avengers are allegedly perfect for the job. One of the teams that are fully equipped to deal with them is Darkhold. If you lead Kestrel, she will prevent Mister Sinister from making clones and she will exploit Multiple Man summons attacks against targets with Defense Down. Mass Blind on start and constant removal of Pym Techs buffs make things really easy for Magneto and the company. I was really craving Spider-Man 2099 myself, but Ill keep that on the dream board. To her surprise, she was bitten by the spider and was overcome with a fever. Basically, as long as you keep, She-hulk and Brawn stunned, while focusing on Red Hulk, you have nothing to fear. The synergy between Absorbing Man, Kang, and Titania is insanely powerful for all game features. The Young Avengers have War Defense passives that reduce Assist chance to zero, making Nebula a non-factor in this fight. Keep in mind that Gamora is fully resistant to Defense Down so do not try to soften her just try to control her with Slow and Stun. As long as players are able to withstand the Web Warriors first attack, they will have no problem crushing this team. Therefore, Web-Warriors are going to give you more longevity over the course of the game than you might get for a really powerful WAR team. They were specifically built to hard-counter 8W. Infinity Watch starts with Safeguard and Immunity, which nullifies Rogues early special ability. Unlimited X-Man should be able to win, but I am not 100% sure. With Kate giving the team so much energy, though, I'm not sure that will continue to be enough. Young Avengers have no answer to the Undying duo as well. Sorry Nebula! X-Factor may not be as effective as previous teams but if they are combined with SS, Zemo or Kestrel they will have no problems against New Warriors. As long as Omega Red doesnt have the highest damage and HP you will have no problems whatsoever. Then, to accompany them, weve been introduced to a couple other Spiderfolk to complete the new Web-Warriors team. Focus on SS, and after him, do whatever you like. Because of that, the punch-up cannot be easily set because the outcome of the battle will depend on RNG. Sure, she also gains Slow with Blind, but thats a really cool mechanic for the character. During a trial, you have to attack the six defences of your opponent. However, the Alliance that you are part of needs to be level 20. To beat Infinity Watch with Infinity Watch you must focus on Moondragon first and Phyle-Vell second while trying to place Stun with your Adam Warlock before the enemy does the same. Uncanny X-Men with Magik is another team that is a natural counter to Web Warriors.

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msf young avengers counter

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