hyena patronus rarity

Erumpent Patronus are very rare, and they are generally mild-mannered, but you do not want to provoke them, and this is true for the witches and wizards who cast them as well. With one swift dive, ospreys will incapacitate any Dementor. Your close friends and family know your true nature and never have to question your loyalty to them. They are more introverted and enjoy time to themselves. Those with this Patronus are willing to make sacrifices for the ones they love and sometimes even people they do not know. Oryxes have a unique defensive technique where they surround their young to safeguard them from predators. You take charge, and people respect and look up to you. They can also sense danger, so they will be able to tell if a Dementor is coming. This is one of the reasons they are so often associated with friendship. A black mamba Patronus symbolizes bravery and boldness. If you have a rattlesnake Patronus, you may be overconfident and lash out sometimes when you feel insecure. If you have this Patronus, people might misunderstand or underestimate you, but you consistently prove yourself to be trustworthy, strong, and reliable. The 10 Strongest Patronuses in 'Harry Potter', Ranked - Collider If you have this Patronus, you are probably extremely intelligent along with having a goofy side. They are not confrontational and will look for any opportunity to run, but when the need arises, they become aggressive and defensive. Eagles are also known as kings of the skies since they are one of the biggest birds of prey worldwide. Witches and wizards who have a heron Patronus are unique and determined. "Is this all real? When facing a Dementor, you can be sure they will only fight for you and never flee. Some species of shrews are poisonous, so one fatal bite from this Patronus is enough to send any Dementor on its way. They fly freely and happily, with an unwitting determination that only someone truly powerful could possess. Otters are natures fuzzy, cuddly, and friendly pets. An approach they might use to shield you from a Dementors kiss. People with the Thestral Patronus are empathetic, realistic and have the ability to look at the bigger picture, making them deeply powerful. While they are very loyal, they can be extremely opinionated and strong-willed, but of course, they have a soft side too. However, hyenas, and those who cast this Patronus, are very loyal, clever, and creative creatures. Those with a fox Patronus are usually thought of as crafty, devious, sly, and calculating animals much like Slytherins. They can think of even trick their way out of any problem. They are scrappy fighters but can also be mild-mannered and easy-going. The eagle owl is one of the largest birds of its species, and many use its feathers in potion-making due to its magical healing abilities. You are likely spontaneous, open to new adventures, and you enjoy learning about anything and everything. West Highland Terriers (lovingly called Westies) are exceptionally kind and affectionate. Hippogriffs are a rare Patronus that is half-eagle and half-horse. Having an Impala as your Patronus means you likely tackle lifes challenges with ease. These cats are eternally loyal to their chosen humans, meaning if this is your Patronus, they are devoted to you for life. If you have a salmon Patronus, you are most likely an ambitious, wise, and resilient person. If a dementor has never gone up against a fiery mother doe, then they have no idea what theyre in for. Their tears have healing powers which already make this bird extremely powerful. The witches and wizards who cast this Patronus also have a soft side, easy-going side to them. They also have a giant horn that is sharp enough to pierce metal, causing whatever it hit to explode. You are also courageous and brave. There also seems to be a sort of natural community, as owners of the Wolf patronus seem to be generally very hospitable towards others of the same patronus. They can be highly aggressive when threatened and swallow their prey without a single bite. One slightly terrifying aspect of the polecats hunting method is that they paralyze their prey by biting through their skull into their brain and then keeping it alive until it is ready to devour it. Dapple grey stallions will be there whenever you need help, no matter what. It's a proud creature that also has a gentle side for those who treat it with the kindness and respect it deserves. A squirrel Squirrels are a plague upon our houses. Should the Patronus be determined as rare, they will be given another set of choices. You'd rather live a peaceful, quiet life than a crazy, adventurous life, and there's nothing wrong with . . Kingfishers are very confident and ambitious, and they are also gorgeous, stunning creatures. As you can guess, because they make deep and lifelong relationships, they will go to the ends of the earth to protect them, especially from a Dementor. You can count on this Patronus to learn how to take down a Dementor and then perfect their skill for the future. An occamy Patronus is said to only be conjured by a pure soul. Those with this Patronus will do anything for the people they love, including making significant sacrifices. Characterized by its huge wings and large overall size, the Winged Horse dominates and flies through the skies with ease and confidence. Peacocks are natural show-offs, and if you have this Patronus, you may share the character trait of pridefulness. The wizard has a very rare and unusual, almost unique, personality. Not only are white stallions brave and daring, but they can also be stubborn. Being an erumpent patronus personality means you are strong and determined. Hyena Reply more reply . A wolf Patronus will never fail to fight for you and defend you against anything that comes your way, including a Dementor. Falcon Source - patronusmeaning.tumblr Great Grey Owl (unusual) Grey Squirrel. As the name implies, wild boars are wild warriors that do not shy away from confrontation. By now, most Harry Potter fans have taken the official Patronus quiz on Pottermore.com. Sadly, many use unicorn blood to keep people alive at a significant cost. So they just love being yourself. Warner Bros. You have your friends and familys trust because youve earned it. They can also be headstrong and get angry quickly if provoked, so Dementors better watch out! Dementors, beware! You may be overly emotional or sensitive but probably view this as a weakness. Someone with this Patronus likely has many friends and family who adore them, and they love them in return. You enjoy the spontaneous side of life and are always looking for a new adventure. Though a bat commonly represents fear, the casters of this Patronus understand that facing your fears is what helps you grow as a person. These creatures can sometimes be cautious, so you probably assess all sides of a situation before acting. People with the black and white cat Patronus are watchful guardians and fiercely loyal to their friends and family. These watchful little owls dive on their prey from above, and your Patronus will do the same to your dark assailant. Rattlesnakes are poisonous and use their loud rattle to scare their enemies. Highly intelligent and witty, they are stealthy hunters and out-of-the-box thinkers. Witches and wizards lucky enough to have this Patronus have creative minds and often think outside the box. Having a rottweiler as your Patronus means you are likely a gentle, calm, yet confident person. They have strong jaws for devouring their prey, and they are fiercely protective and loyal of their territory and young. Dementors have no idea what they are in for when they come up against this fiery Patronus. While Leopardesses do encompass similar character traits of a leopard, they are also known for being fiercely protective mothers. A hippopotamus says that you are wholly unapproachable as a person and that most people find you obstinate. Those with a red squirrel Patronus have a unique and curious personality. Additionally, they are fierce fighters. Similarly, those with this Patronus know what they want and do not stop until they achieve it. The casters of this Patronus usually share a welcoming, kind, and cheerful personality. The 9 Worst Patronuses and What They Say About You As a Person | The Deerhounds are loyal and want to help those they love. Rest assured that the swifts upbeat and cheerful personality will drive away any darkness brought on by a Dementor. However, they are also very noble and symbolize virtue. Patronus List | Wiki | Harry Potter Amino They're also remarkably beautiful casters, whose grace and aura can easily captivate those around them. Aberforth Dumbledore is the only known owner of the goat Patronus and he was known to keep goats as his pets. Those with the hummingbird Patronus tend to be free-spirited and seek to enjoy life to its fullest. Goshawk. Badgers are down-to-earth and fiercely defend those close to them. They love to care for others and find joy in simplicity. The albatross is the rarest Patronus on our list; the one belonging to the lowest number of Wizarding World fans. This means they have loads of loyal friends that would do anything for them, and they would do the same in return. People who have this Patronus likely overcame many obstacles in life and are stronger for it. They are quiet yet powerful and reserved yet achieve great things. When threatened, these creatures are a true force to be reckoned with, and with one strike of their horn, your dark assailant will explode before your eyes. A rare and strong Patronus, the Abraxan Winged Horse appears to those who are known to be powerful, determined and maintain a free spirit, even in the darkest of times. You will most likely find a leopard lounging on a tree branch during the day since it primarily hunts at night. Notorious for using tools and rocks to crack open fruit and drinking the juice inside, these monkeys prove just how smart they are. The great grey owl is the largest in length and has high standards and strong morals to match. The entire list of possibilities is as follows: Adder Aardvark Abraxan Winged Horse Badger Bat Basset Hound Bay Mare Bay Stallion Beagle Black Bear Black Mare Black Mamba Black Stallion Black Swan Black and White Cat Blackbird Bloodhound Borzoi Brown Bear Brown Hare Brown Owl Buffalo Buzzard Calico Cat Capuchin Monkey Cheetah Chestnut Mare A dragonfly Patronus is representative of joy and light with a strength of heart and mind, and the casters of this Patronus are no different. Manx cats tend to attack prey larger than themselves, so a Dementor would be no issue for them. If you have a sparrow Patronus, then you are probably a very social person. People once used greyhounds for racing since they can reach speeds over 40mph! Calicos cats are rare, sweet-natured, and make friends quickly. A dementor might even be one of the easier conquests of this Patronus. A daunting magical creature with thick skin and razor-sharp horns, they don't scare easy and will refuse to back down. Having a thestral patronus is rare you're probably uncommonly kind, understanding, and quiet. It is a very challenging spell that produces a magical creature specific to the one who casts it. A runespoor is a three-headed snake that can reach up to 7 feet in length and is commonly associated with dark magic. Hedgehogs have their namesake because they scavenge under bushes and hedges for their prey. This Patronus will do anything to protect you, even if it means leaping in between you and a Dementor to save you! Patronus List Patronuses identify the underlying, hidden parts of you that come out in a magical form. A mother tigress will fight endlessly to protect her young and be incredibly fierce when needed. Their eyesight is so incredible that they can often spot small rodents over 200 feet away! As a Patronus, they represent power, determination, and a free spirit. They are protective and loyal to both their young and their mates. Although bats are commonly associated with fear, they actually represent rebirth. An orca Patronus is a formidable force indeed. Lions are fierce fighters when threatened. Complete Patronus List: See every animal on J.K. Rowling's quiz - Hypable This is one of the best Patronuses to send a dark Dementor on its way. The manx cat is a level-headed, quirky, and somewhat mischievous member of the feline family. With a runespoor Patronus, you have nothing to worry about because it will use all three heads to attack a Dementor viciously. Crocodiles symbolize patience, primal energy, and tradition. My Patronus is a Hyena and I'm proud of it! | Harry Potter Amino Casting this Patronus means you are fiercely loyal and stand up for what you believe in. This Patronus will never back down in the face of fear but will fight back fiercely. Having a cheetah Patronus means you are confident and have a fiery personality. They can also flare out their head to look like a terrifying cobra. You are likely confident in yourself and stand up for your beliefs. Surprisingly, eagle owls are incredibly agile and fast, meaning they will take down any Dementor swiftly. They are tiny but mighty, so they should never be underestimated. Newfoundlands are essentially giant fluffballs. Any Dementor will run off based on the mere size of the woolly mammoth. Dementors should never underestimate the resilience of a field mouse Patronus simply because of its small size. Edmond, Oklahoma. A Bay stallion Patronus is spirited, passionate, and always ready for a fight. Those with an Abraxan Winged Horse Patronus are said to be dominant, powerful, and strong leaders. One of the quickest beings alive within the Wizarding World, the Granian Winged Horse is named after a character from Norse Mythology (Grani) who was capable of running faster than wind, itself. As natural leaders, Dragons will hold steadfast in their convictions and will fight wholeheartedly for what they believe in. She is constantly underestimated and has experienced much sadness in her life, but her eccentric and carefree nature make her extremely . However, this is your greatest strength that helps you relate to others and love them well. Which 10 patronuses are the most rare or powerful? - Quora Before you can even blink, this Patronus will take care of the cruel Dementor, and you can continue on your way. Stoats are a type of weasel. They are very determined and goal-oriented. Sparrowhawks are very alert and driven birds who will not stop until they have achieved their set goal much like the witches and wizards who cast this Patronus. Those with this Patronus are fiercely loyal. They fly freely and happily, with an unwitting determination that only someone. If you have ever put out a bird feeder for a hummingbird, you know that you might miss them if you are not watching for even a few seconds. Pheasants are big-hearted, regal birds who sometimes struggle with pride, which gets them into sticky situations. Swallows tend to find strength in numbers to protect themselves from predators. Since they are so fast, mountain hares commonly use distraction as a technique for evading predators. 2023 fantasytopics.com, part of the Hopnetic network. Additionally, lions are the kings of the jungle, as they do not have many predators. If you have a mole Patronus, you may share character traits such as ambition and independence, and you are likely very goal-oriented. Those who have the Wolf patronus seem to share a strong sense of justice and an innate aptitude for combat. Pythons kill their prey by constriction and can eat animals as large as deer. If you have a seal Patronus, you are likely very confident and do not care what others think about you. When I first took the Pottermore Patronus quiz, my result caused a lot of the same emotions as the stages of grieving: denial, anger, bargaining, depression, and finally, acceptance. This Patronus is quite large, resembling an elephant, but with tusks. They are excellent communicators and care deeply for others. Would love to read more! Herons are known for being cunning, intelligent, and quick-witted. Deerhound | Harry Potter Wiki | Fandom Nevertheless, this Patronus will never back down from a Dementor and will fight for you with its life. Dementors better beware. They're motivated to keep moving and embarking on bigger and bolder journeys, even if it means leaving some things behind. Many associate polar bears with magic and being great strategists. What weasels lack in size they make up for in quick-witted intelligence. When surrounded by friends, they'll laugh and eat out, while being social. If you have this Patronus, those who are closest to you are lucky to have you in their corner. Harry Potter: 5 Patronus Animals Aries Would Likely Have - ScreenRant Field mice can detect predators with their extremely sharp senses. Chow dogs are wary of outsiders and they will fiercely protect those they love. You might be surprised to know that pythons are gentle giants that can be very shy even though they are one of the biggest species of snakes. Additionally, they have a unique defense mechanism they roll up into a ball when threatened so that their pokey spikes are facing outward towards their predator. This Patronus is a great defender against even the fiercest of Dementors. For good reason, lionesses are the queens of the jungle. These protective mothers are wary of intruders and will do anything to protect their cubs from harm. #HarryPotter #VeryRarePatronus #Pottermore #WizardingworldHow to get a Very Rare Patronus on WizardingWorld.com (Pottermore) (Note: The provided answers will. I was expecting a magnificient creature to emerge from the woods and prance around my MacBook screen. A snowy owl is a rather rare patronus and only given to those who are close enough in personality it wield it. Those who conjure this Patronus are sociable and have a playful side to them, but they are also fierce protectors when necessary. Orangutans are solitary and brilliant animals. The most famous snowy owl in Harry Potter was the beloved Hedwig. You are a wonderful and tactful leader. Will appear as humorous to others. Whales, in general, have complex communication skills, and they guide both fishermen and fish where they need to go. Orcas, also known as killer whales, are the protectors of the sea and are natural-born leaders. Swifts are one of the fastest birds, and some can fly over 100mph! They prefer to live underground in what most people would consider solitary confinement, but they love it. Brown bears have one of the largest comparative brains of any mammal and because of this, they have a high cognitive function. A brown bear Patronus symbolizes courage, strength, and immense patience. Those who conjure this Patronus are bold, fearless leaders. In fact, he is the only known caster of this Patronus. Robin Patronuses will consider you as their own and go to any length to protect you. If you're not familiar, the magical conjurings take the form of spirit animals which . Or has this been happening inside my head?" The topic of this article is of a real-life subject that has been mentioned "in-universe" in a canon source. Cannot be trusted. Luckily for you, a Westie Patronus can sense when a Dementor is close and warn you. A Tonkinese cat is a mix between a Siamese and a Burmese cat. Siberian cat Patronuses and their casters are fearless, independent, and protective. After her career as an actress, Robin found a love of writing and analyzing television and film, and thus pursued a degree in Communication from the University of Utah. Witches and wizards with an aardvark Patronus are independent, resilient, and true fighters. Having a dragon Patronus means you are a remarkable leader and firmly hold your beliefs. Does anyone know what the Abraxan Winged Horse symbolizes? Because they are always aware of their surroundings, this makes them adaptable to any environment or situation. They are considered highly intelligent, resourceful, and tend not to fear many things including Dementors. The bat Patronus is representative of rebirth, honesty, and empathy. They ride a fine line between self-assured and prideful. Known as one of the most famous magical animals, unicorns are mighty and majestic. Why Wasnt Ron Weasley in Hufflepuff House? Many people think of sharks as one of the scariest predators in the ocean. Those with a Goshawk Patronus are driven and ambitious. Minks are furry little creatures that somewhat resemble a ferret. It would be difficult to find a more loving and protective best friend, both as a Patronus and a caster. The Dragon Patronus represents someone who is fearless, assertive and accepting of any challenge thrown at them. With a calming presence and kind demeanor, Newfoundlands are indeed a mans best friend. The bay mare Patronus is representative of freedom and living life on your own terms. One of the most popular mythical creatures of all time, Unicorns are brave, mystical and feminine. Wolves are powerful protectors who find strength in numbers as they always travel in a pack. For example, if threatened by a Dementor, this Patronus will not hold back with their fury. They take an aerial approach to catching their prey so that their mark, in this case, a Dementor, does not know what hit them. But they better not underestimate you, or they might get a glimpse of your fiery side! Dolphins are very people-oriented and make friends very easily. Dementors likely will not detect these adorable Patronuses until its too late. 38. Dementors beware! RELATED: Slytherins Who Weren't Entirely Evil. While there's no easy answer to the best Patronus in the Wizarding World, there are some that are more coveted than others for their strength, meaning and, of course, rarity. You should never underestimate their protective and driven nature, especially among Slytherins. Generally speaking, it also has been insinuated that the Erumpent is relatively calm until provoked, where it will ram its horn into any threat.

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hyena patronus rarity

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