are glocks safe to carry chambered

It's a small handgun that is easy to carry, chambered for a very powerful cartridge, and priced so a working man can easily afford it. Or some jackass was pocket carrying his G43 without a holster and something snagged the trigger. And so easy to correct. Should You Carry With One In The Chamber? - Alien Gear Holsters The overall size of this firearm is much smaller and that shows with a barrel length of 3.43 inches and a slide length of 6.26 inches. For 1911s, the danger is similar if you carry hammer down on a loaded chamber though I dont know why any somewhat intelligent person would do so. There are any number of guns out there with firing systems that, if dropped, will fire a round under the hammer. Have you ever failed to yield the right of way when making a left turn? I now have a Walther P99 (OK, Im a Walther fan). Granted, is loading a pistol, a shotgun or a rifle the most complicated thing in the world? This is a particularly great idea. Repeatedly doing the same thing is training, because it becomes habit. Do not get me wrong here as training is vital, that said the real problem is you cant cure stupid, Murphy, or brain farts! Sound off in the comments. I suggest a CZ 75 D PCR, in 9mm. A number of gun companies still produce single-action revolvers. But the real benefit is in the noise. Theres simply no point in carrying an unloaded gun. Situational risk assessment. Its just not for me, especially as I get into my golden years. You always have time to do that. In my own case I carry a gun because ITS MY GODDAMN RIGHT and being prepared for the defense of my life is a purely secondary concern. Please consider creating a . My home defense guns are locked and loaded ready to go. Haha. If you forget to check the chamber just one time in you life its Sayounara . Im still a believer of an empty gun is just a club. The Theory And Practice Of Israeli Carry - AmmoMan School of Guns Blog I can see no valid reason to carry a modern weapon in condition 3 as long as youre observant and safety conscious when holstering/re-holstering your weapon. Glock 23 Handgun. When the handgun is retrieved, the mag is shoved in and the gun is ready to fire. And thats only firearms. Conceal. . And make sure when you holster or unholster that the holster is clear of obstructions. always, just got the g23 and after the range it'll be in the rotation with the sigs. Even though everyone who has ever used and examined a SA revolver can easily see that the firing pin is ALWAYS in contact with the primer when the hammer is down, if the chamber under it has a round in it? Thats OK with me. this aint Dodge city and you aint Bill Hickok Blam, Blam,Blam! Hell, Colt still makes the Single Action Army. If one wishes to carry sans a round in the chamber. The Israelis do it, and I do too. Seems more in line with your abilities. I left it in my series 80, but a gunsmith can easily remove it if desired. Older single action revolvers or those still manufactured without a hammer block/transfer bar are theoretically more prone to discharge back in the day when you ride a horse as the drop from that position could allow the pistol to rotate muzzle up when it lands. Carrying a Glock 26 or 27 in "conditon 1" (chambered) is comparable to carrying a loaded S&W Jframe revolver. Cycling against objects using your sight is slow and not easily done. Clinging to God and guns. On Firefox for my Linux machine it even goes right to the place on the page I was when I saved. Thats intentional. Safety rule number 1 a gun is always loaded. Jordan Buck is an outdoor writer, a man of faith, and a family man. sanctimonious what iffers You can get a lockbox for $50 or less from Amazon or from most hardware stores. Didnt check that the gun was clear. . I sold my Glocks for this very reason , sure , I came up with other rational reasons , but when I look myself in the mirror and Im absolutely honest with myself , I got rid of my Glocks because I carry loaded chamber and I am sometimes a dumb ass . Ask the famous Black Athlete Plaxico Burress that did that in a New York restaurant a number of years ago. Since the pin must have considerable energy to fire the primer charge, and then must expend that energy quickly through a sudden stop, it really doesnt matter, because the available object to provide the sudden deceleration needed to drive the pin into the round is almost certainly going to be the ground, and the round must be in line with the inertia, which, if provided by gravity instead of the firearm itself, must be downwards. People are going to make mistakes but when you design a tool as unsafe as the Glock its not a maybe they will have an accidental discharge its a fking fact that sooner or later they will. Not a hard and fast rule. I have done special work to lighten my trigger and its still not very touchy. For a better experience, please enable JavaScript in your browser before proceeding. Jul 18, 2010. Back in the old days of guns, they didnt really have any safety at all. Why You Should Keep One Bullet in the Chamber. I appendix carry my 42 chambered, the holster covers the trigger so I feel safe carrying this way, I been carrying this way for a while without issue. Recently retired the PPK in favor of a Sig P365. Glocks response was to simply make a pistol that was safe without a safety. Hire someone who did it on other blogs. Negligence or stupidity, flip the coin on word choice. Widen your horizons. But otherwise it still is a pretty good gunfight scene. I do not carry a Glock and sorry 1911 fanatics I would only carry a 1911 with the hammer down (series 80) and chamber empty with a Series 70 and since I do not like to carry any gun with the chamber empty that is why I do not carry any longer my series 70 and pre-series 70 (original 1911) . I learned to drive on the streets of San Francisco with a van as a teenager when my mom wanted me to drive her around. That connected to the trigger, which only dropped out of the way when the trigger was fully pressed. Same mental disability, but different symptoms. You do what you gotta do or are allowed to do. Its common for someone to quickly raise a gun and try to shoot, just to realize the safety was in the on position keeping it from working. . I have a CCW and am carrying the Glock in a Galco Stow-n-Go IWB holster. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. Kaboom he shot himself as he sat there at the dinner table. and self styled know it alls. NO - any responsible gun owner should have some reservation until enough information has been provided. (just like some people freakout about a cocked and locked 1911) Rest assured the gun will not go off and shoot you in the ass. What Glock Is Most Used By Law Enforcement; Who Makes The Glock 22 First a 5906, then a PPK/S for 20 years. SOME of these guns (Ruger, Rough Rider, IWI, Freedom Arms, Linebaugh) have transfer bar safeties and thus can be carried fully loaded. One of the first shoot houses ever built was built by Fairbairn and Sykes to train their officers. Is it safe to carry a GLOCK with a round in the chamber? Some folks in the comments section raised objections, as they are often wont to do. Do Glocks Have A Safety? By: Joseph Kocik | Global Ordnance News Does anyone ride the hammer down on their gun with a LIVE ROUND in the chamber? Some say it makes the trigger drag, but it doesnt on mine. I agree about the Colt SAA. Cocked and locked . Firearm experts, including myself, consider the design completely safe and dependable. Victoria: I did find a workaround though. THERE IS ONLY ONE WAY AND ONLY ONE WAY TO CARRY A GLOCK SAFELY AND THAT IS WITH AN EMPTY CHAMBER PERIOD AND THERE CAN BE ZERO ARGUMENT ABOUT THAT IF YOU ARE STILL IN CONTROL OF YOUR MENTAL FACULTIES AND NOT LIVING IN A NARCISSISTIC FANTASY WORLD OF GLOCK UTOPIA. A round in the chamber | Glock Pro Forums Carry chambered ever since. I am the same way, my kids randomly jump, hug or accidentally collide with me on a regular basis. Try it with any style sidearm. A safety is much easier to manipulate than a slide though. However, that also creates issues. Call us at (586) 333-4240, and we'll guide you through the process of choosing a holster to suit your needs. It's not like TV where you always have time to rack a slide. Marshals (1998). In a way, the GLOCK trigger is similar to a double action revolver trigger. LC9s safe to carry with round in chamber | . the first two rules of safe gun handling are Dont touch the trigger until you are ready to shoot, and dont point it at anything you dont want to destroy. It is generally safe to carry a Glock with a round in the chamber, as long as the user follows proper handling and safety protocols. If you liked this article, you might be interested in one I wrote all about Glocks Safe Action System. These are: 1. Or a DA/SA auto. It will catch on and you will be a rock star! So old single actions have to be handled and loaded in a certain way to be carried safely. In order to fire, the pin needs to be hit hard enough to continue forward, past the point of contact with the hammer, and then into the primer. Ive done this quite a bit when rabbit hunting. Balancing Safety & Readiness: Carrying "Cocked and Locked?" Glock developed their patented Safe Action System which will not allow the gun to be fired without a finger on the trigger and a dedicated trigger pull. Carry chambered? | Glock Talk Mr Hoober, If you werent too busy arrogantly doubling down, you might consider trying it some time instead of pretending you know everything but I suppose you are probably more interested in getting audience engagement than giving good advice. After a few years of working on them self-taught, I finally . Nothing is more dangerous than a little knowledge. The safety either keeps the trigger from being pulled or blocks the cartridge from being struck by the firing pin so it cant go off. This is the inherit design of a sticker fired pistol. Every time I drive. Here's video that GLOCK produced that explains the trigger safety. (I don't think any of us are going to try to pocket carry a 1911 or a Glock 17.) It was called Fractured Fairy Tales, The difference between you and me is I am real you live in a virtual reality world oh and btw dummy they dont call it Glock perfection for nothing, Your rants always remind me of that long ago cartoon show. KAER adhere to the business philosophy of customer first, service first, quality first, and provide our customers with high-quality products and perfect service.. We are a professional manufacturer dedicated to the production of gun safes, safe box, pistol safe and other security products. This means that if the hammer is carried down on a live round, the firing pin will still not be able to touch the primer, even though the hammer is sitting right down on the pin. Wait a second, so youre telling me that I shouldnt keep my home defense gun in condition 3 but instead have it in condition 1 and put it in a lock box? I assume the manual safety was also engaged, but such a strap on the holster sounds pretty good, as well! But in my house, in the middle of the night, what do I care about 50 yard accuracy or the ability to knock over a steel plate or knock a bowling pin off a table? No free man shall ever be debarred the use of arms. Glock then redesigned the weapon as a striker fired weapon because they knew the average low I.Q. Answer (1 of 30): The main reason to carry, is self defense. So you think youre perfect look in the mirror clown I am not trying to get an A here I really wonder if you can shoot at all like getting rounds on the target I think I hurt your feelings again wha what wha. Save Share. I would consider the weapon fully loaded at this point. FNS9-C. You have to train how you'll fight and fight how you train. I carry "Mexican" and don't want to end up like Plaxico Burress. And an unloaded weapon does you no good if/when you need it. The hammer snagged on a branch, and he shot his horse (he was twisted by the tree). In a prima facie, on-paper, in-theory sense, thats true. Another difference is that the Equalizer is only available chambered for the 9mm Luger, where the Shield EZ can be had in .380 Auto, 9mm Luger and .30 Super Carry. In addition to this, some manufacturers have added manual lever safeties to their firearms and XDS has the grip safety as well. Many revolvers also changed; whereas the firing pin was once integrated with the hammer . Being an *untrained* klutz is something entirely different. The NYPD used this excuse several times to get out of a situation, basically saying These new-fangled Glocks just go off on their own. Yes. 7 Great Holsters for Glocks :: Why would anyone want only one of something? All of that seemed a bit verbose for a blog comment, though. Some militaries wanted to normalize carrying a pistol or rifle with a loaded chamber for obvious reasons, but they ran into some of these same issues on old guns. Glock Pockets - Pistols in Your Pocket | Officer It has been many years since I saw that movie. Carrying with an empty chamber was John Waynes great advice, applicable to old, single action revolvers. I once had a grim laugh when one Jethro Bodine (after emerging from his out house) told me he bought a Glock because he could not stand the worry of carrying his 1911 cocked and locked. 7. Empty chamber carry is dumb. Im not interested in Israeli carry of a firearm. Kids are grown, hoping dad doesnt ever need to move in, not the reverse lol, and I have em where I need em to be and they are ready when I am. The first click is there so the hammer isnt resting on the cartridge. I have had cops point shotgunms and Rvolvurs at me, made me nervous, now their pointing Glocks at me, and that frightens me to the point of shaking. Glock G21 439. at A GLOCK is a striker fired pistol with about a 5.5-pound OEM trigger pull that has incorporated into the trigger--in the form of a lever--and when it is engaged blocks the trigger from moving rearward. Answer (1 of 104): For me. Unlikely. That photo of the safe is cute, if completely patronizing to those who make the kids argument. Like a handgun, the defensive long gun should be secured in a safe or one of the wall-mounted quick-access locks. They DID make a variant with one (the Colt Cowboy) but they dont offer it anymore and the SAA is sold sans transfer bar. One could write an entire book about just the intricacies of revolver internals, but no one would buy it, now that most dont even know what revolvers are. Trigger Safety. So you have no quibble with the line; If dropped, the hammer could contact the primer and therefore, fire., in relation to SA revolvers? A lot of guns, particularly the early revolvers, were considered too dangerous to carry with a loaded chamber because a sharp bump or drop could cause it to fire. I would like to carry at the ready, but doing so really gives me the heebie-jeebies.

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are glocks safe to carry chambered

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