empress wu primary sources

Emperor Gaozong had nothing to do with either of these events, although his name would have been attached to the campaigns against Korea. It is not likely Wu was involved in the disgrace of Taizongs unpleasant eldest son, Cheng-qian, whose teenage rebellion against his father had taken the form of the ostentatious embrace of life as lived by Mongol nomads. How did she hold on to power? In 697 CE, Wu's hold on power began to slip when she became more paranoid and began spending more time with her young lovers than on ruling China. Wus memorial tablet, which stands near her tomb, was erected during her years as empress in the expectation that her successors would compose a magnificent epitaph for it. By transferring the normal seat of the court from Changan to Luoyang, she was able to escape the control of the great families of the northwestern aristocracy, which played an important role in the rise of the Tang dynasty. So queens and empresses regnant were forced to rule like men, and yet roundly criticized when they did so. June 2, 2022 by by 3, no. Wu Zetian's tough character and good equestrian skills were perceived by observers even when she was a teenager. The critical Anderson concedes that, under Wu, military expenses were reduced, taxes cut, salaries of deserving officials raised, retirees given a viable pension, and vast royal lands near the capital turned over to husbandry.. This mountain, so born of the sudden convulsion of earth, represents a calamity. Her upright Confucian minister, Di Renjie (d. 700, the protagonist of Robert van Gulik's popular Judge Dee detective novels), convinced her to bring back her son, the deposed emperor Zhongzong, to be appointed as her successor. Cite This Work When Wu could no longer tolerate her daughter-in-law's antics and disrespect, and her son's refusal to discipline her and obey Wu's dictates, she had him charged with treason and banished along with his wife. Reign of Terror. Explaining why the empress was so reviled, then, means acknowledging the double standard that existedand still existswhen it comes to assessing male and female rulers. They came to power, mostly, by default or stealth; a king had no sons, or an intelligent queen usurped the powers of her useless husband. 1, 1990, pp. ." Bellingham, WA: Center for Asian Studies, Western Washington University, 1978. Wu Zetian established her dynasty - the Zhou dynasty. A history known as the Comprehensive Mirror records that, during the 690s, 36 senior bureaucrats were executed or forced to commit suicide, and a thousand members of their families enslaved. "Empress Wu Zetian." In preparing for the legitimacy of her emperorship, she claimed the Zhou Dynasty (1045256 bce) and its founders among her own ancestors. Her spy network and secret police stopped rebellions before they had a chance to start and the military campaigns she sent out enlarged and secured the borders of the country. From 655, when she became the empress of Emperor GaoZong of Tang (son of Emperor TaiZong), until 683 . emperor angelfish (Pomecanthus imperator) See CHAETODONTIDAE. The copyright holder has published this content under the following license: Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike. Seattle, WA: University of Washington Press, 1994, pp. "Wu Zetian." After Gaozongs death, in 683, she remained the power behind the throne as dowager empress, manipulating a succession of her sons before, in 690, ordering the last of them to abdicate and taking power herself. Historian Kelly Carlton writes: Wu had a petition box made, which originally contained four slots: one for men to recommend themselves as officials; one where citizens might openly and anonymously criticize court decisions; one to report the supernatural, strange omens, and secret plots, and one to file accusations and grievances. Wu decreed that the workmen sculpt the face of the largest of these statues to resemble her and also persuaded the monks of the sanctuary at Luoyang to forge the Big Cloud Book to substantiate her claim as Maitreya. Woodbridge Bingham, The Founding of the Tang Dynasty: The Fall of Sui and Rise ofTang, a Preliminary Survey (New York: Octagon, 1975). Meanwhile, the Turks invaded Gansu, and the Tibetans posed a threat to Chinese possessions in Central Asia. Wu, characteristically, admired the virtuosity of Luos style and suggested he would be better employed at the imperial court. World History Publishing is a non-profit company registered in the United Kingdom. Rothschild describes a confrontation which reflects the feelings of majority of those at court. Guisso, Richard W.L. Swedens fascinating Queen Christina was nearly as infamous for eschewing her sidesaddle and riding in breeches as she was for the more momentous decision that she took to convert to Catholicismwhile mustering her troops in 1588 as the Spanish Armada sailed up the Channel, even Elizabeth I felt constrained to begin a morale-boosting address with a denial of her sex: I know I have the body of a weak and feeble woman, but I have the heart and stomach of a king, and a king of England too.. This item is in the public domain, and can be used, copied, and modified without any restrictions. Charlemagne (or Charles the Great) was king of the franks from 768 to 814, king of the lombards from 774 to 814, and emperor from 800 to, FOUNDED: c. 1050256 b.c.e. Under the administration of Empress Wu, Tang territory expanded through constant fighting with other peoples, particularly the Tibetans. She reigned during the Tang Dynasty (618-907 CE) and was one of the most effective and controversial monarchs in China's history. Just how accurate this picture of Wu is remains a matter of debate. The historians always portray Wu as ruthless, conniving, scheming, and bloodthirsty, and she may have been all of these things, she may have even murdered her daughter to gain the throne, but any of these claims should only be accepted after considering their source. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1979. The Tang empire in 700, at the end of Wus reign. Empress Wu Zetian and the Spread of Buddhism (625-705 C.E.) The empress even promoted what might loosely be termed womens rights, publishing (albeit as part of her own legitimation campaign)Biographies of Famous Women and requiring children to mourn both parents, rather than merely their father, as had been the practice hitherto. The system of Neo-Confucianism of which Chu Hsi is regarded as the spo, Mutsuhito Wu Zetian Biography, Facts & Quotes | Who was Empress Wu? | Study.com When a mountain seemed to appear following the earthquake, this was also interpreted as nature itself revolting against the reign of Wu. Before Smithsonian.com, Dash authored the award-winning blog A Blast From the Past. She whispered slander from behind her sleeves, and swayed her master with vixen flirting and insisted that she was the arch manipulator of an unprecedented series of scandals that, over two reigns and many years, cleared her path to the throne. Empress Wu Zetian (r. 683-704 CE) of the Tang Dynasty. By 655 she had consolidated her position after her son inherited the throne. Encyclopedia.com. The World History Encyclopedia logo is a registered trademark. Women in World History: A Biographical Encyclopedia. Wu placed her first son on the throne who took the royal title Zhongzong. It was used for religious rites supervised by her lover Xue Huaiyi. The Controversial Empress Wu - Travel Through Time We care about our planet! While Confucian historians condemned her usurpation, extravagance, and scandal, Wu Zhao has been credited for providing strong leadership and ruling during an age of relative peace and prosperity. Empress Wu Worksheets & Facts | History, Reign, Legacy It was Lu Zhi who, in 194 B.C., wreaked revenge on a rival by gouging out her eyes, amputating her arms and legs, and forcing her to drink acid that destroyed her vocal chords. Edward Schafer, The Divine Women: Dragon Ladies and Rain Maidens in Tang Literature (Berkeley: University of California Press, 1973). Wu also reformed the military by mandating military exams for commanders to show competency, which were patterned on her imperial exams given to civil service workers. She changed the compulsory mourning period for mothers who predeceased fathers from the traditional one year to three yearsthe same length as the mourning for fathers who predeceased mothers. She particularly supported Huayan Buddhism, which regarded Vairocana Buddha as the center of the world, much as Empress Wu wished to be the center of political power. The Demonization of Empress Wu : r/history - reddit She contended with petitions against female dominance which argued that her unnatural position as emperor had caused several earthquakes to occur and reports being filed of hens turning into roosters. The reversal of gender roles was nowhere more objectionable than Wu Zetian's sexuality, in the eyes of the traditional historians. The Demonization of Empress Wu - Smithsonian Magazine 31, no. Wu Zetian: China's Only Female Emperor - ThoughtCo Related Content Therefore, its best to use Encyclopedia.com citations as a starting point before checking the style against your school or publications requirements and the most-recent information available at these sites: http://www.chicagomanualofstyle.org/tools_citationguide.html. Some Rights Reserved (2009-2023) under Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike license unless otherwise noted. Palace ladies of the Tang dynasty, from a contemporary wall painting in an imperial tomb in Shaanxi. Vol. Buddhism was carried into East Asia by merchants and Buddhist monks traveling the Silk Road from Northern India, Persia, Kashmir and Inner Asia. She installed a series of copper boxes in the capital in which citizens could post anonymous denunciations of one another, and passed legislation, R.W.L. Encyclopedia.com. At the time of the murder, it was Lady Wu's word against Lady Wang's, and later historians decided to side with Lady Wang against Wu; but this does not mean they chose the right side. souls of those who died in the atomic bomb attacks, Primary Sources with DBQs | Asia for Educators - Columbia University Advertising Notice Please support World History Encyclopedia. She replaced Zhongzong with her second son, who became Emperor Ruizong. The Empress Wu Zetian (690-704 CE) is the only female ruler in the history of China. Yet contemporaries thought that there was more to her than this. For Wu Zetian, the rise to power and consolidation involved manipulations, murders, and support of the intellectual and religious establishments. As we know, the truth is somewhere in the middle. Sunzi/Sun Wu, Eastern Zhou Period (770-221 BCE) Selections from the Sunzi: Art of War [PDF] Agriculture, Han Period. Ho-shen (1750-1799) was a high Manchu official in the government of the Ch'ing dynasty in China and a close associate of Emperor Ch'ien-lung.. Wu Zetian died within a year. After rising to power, Wu tried to remove from power the representatives of the northwestern aristocracy, who had controlled the government from the beginning of the dynasty through the medium of the imperial chancellery. The primary and secondary sources on Wu Zetian are abundant and problematic, reflecting an almost exclusively male authorship that has portrayed her as a beautiful, calculating, brutal woman who ruled China as the only woman emperor in name and in fact. One explanation for Wus success is that she listened. Empress Wu (Wu Zhao) | Encyclopedia.com In 605 the Qidan, who lived in Manchuria in the marginal areas between the open steppe and settled areas, invaded the Tang empire and gained a dramatic victory over Wus armies near the site of modern Beijing. Empress and emperor appear at the center of each scene, larger than the other figures to show their importance, bedecked in imperial purple, and sporting . Therefore, that information is unavailable for most Encyclopedia.com content. (February 23, 2023). The Fall of Kaifeng [ edit] In 1126, Emperor Huizong abdicated in favor of his son, Emperor Qinzong, the elder brother of Gaozong. Her last two lovers were the young and handsome Zhang brothers who put on makeup and exploited the relationship by obtaining offices, honors, and gifts for themselves and their family. Traditional historians grudgingly acknowledged that she surpassed her sons, the legitimate heirs, in both vision and statecraft. These monumental statues, like the one carved into the mountain at Bamiyan, Afghanistan, which was destroyed by the Taliban in 2001, alerted the populous to the dominance of Buddhism. How did Empress Wu Zetian come to rule China, as a woman? Some Rights Reserved (2009-2023) under Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike license unless otherwise noted. Although Wu's account claims that Lady Wang murdered her daughter, later Chinese historians all agree that Wu was the murderer and she killed her child to frame Lady Wang. She was also the most important early supporter of the alien religion of Buddhism, which during her rule surpassed the native Confucian and Daoist faiths in influence within the Tang realm. (February 22, 2023). | READ MORE. Wu Zetian is believed to have been born in Wenshi County, Shanxi Province around 624 CE. She founded a secret police and conducted a reign of terror, justifying the mass executions on the grounds that discrimination against a womans open exercise of power forced her to use terror to defend her authority. Economic considerations also played a role in this relocation. empress wu primary sources. Even if she took full advantage, however, she must have possessed not only looks but remarkable intelligence and determination to emerge, as she did two decades later, as empress. She ruled for 15 years during the Tang Dynasty and was one of China's most impactful and divisive emperors. Empress Wu: Hero or Villain - Amped Up Learning Empress Wu Zetian and the Spread of Buddhism (625-705 C.E.) Her supposed method, moreoveramputating her victims hands and feet and leaving them to drownsuspiciously resembles that adopted by her most notorious predecessor, the Han-era empress Lu Zhia woman portrayed by Chinese historians as the epitome of all that was evil. 242289. Unknown, . "Wu Zetian (624705) Not only do we pay for our servers, but also for related services such as our content delivery network, Google Workspace, email, and much more. Wu Zetian. The term Confucianism is derived from Confucius, the convention. Although these characters were removed after her reign they still exist as a Chinese dialect in written form. Tang China during the 7th century was a period of military strength and cultural attainments, its empire stretching into Central Asia and Southwest Asia and ruled by the Li-Tang imperial family from the capital city of Xi'an (Xian), Shanxi province. This opposition was formidable; the annals of the period contain numerous examples of criticisms leveled by civil servants mortified by the empresss innovations. is held up in Chinese histories as the prototype of all that is wicked in a female ruler. Although she was not able to control the newly unified state, relations continued to be friendly during her reign. Unknown, . In her last years Wu lost influence, although she remained energetic and cruel. (3). She held power, in one guise or another, for more than half a century, first as consort of the ineffectual Gaozong Emperor, then as the power behind the throne held by her youngest son, and finally (from 690 until shortly before her death in 705) as monarch. Wu Zetian argued that since mothers were indispensable to the birth and nourishment of infants, the three years when the infant totally depended on the mother as caregiver should be requited with three years of mourning her death. Examination System. Yet Wu has had a pretty bad press. An official under the former Han dynasty, he took the Han throne and founded his own, CHARLEMAGNE Most historians believe Wu became intimate with the future Gaozong emperor before his fathers deatha scandalous breach of etiquette that could have cost her her head, but which in fact saved her from life in a Buddhist nunnery. Given Tang Chinas rich history of inter-regional connections and communications with its East Asian neighbors, it is not surprising that Wus sponsorship of Buddhism resulted in a flurry of scholarly exchanges, and the construction of many new pilgrimage Buddhist sites. Why should you weep for me?" Empress Wu rose to power through ruthless tactics to move her from the emperor's concubine, to the emperor's consort, and eventually to the position of empress of China. Wus later life was one long illustration of the exceptional influence she had come to wield. Vol. To enhance her position as a woman, in 688 she constructed a "hall of light" in the eastern capital of Luoyang to serve as a cosmic magnet to symbolize the harmony of heaven and earth and the balance of male (yang) and female (yin) forces. At one point, to the horror of her generals, Wu proposed raising a military corps from among Chinas numerous eunuchs. Terms of Use She organized teams to survey the land and build irrigation ditches to help grow crops and redistributed the land so that everyone had an equal share to farm. So much for the supposed facts; what about the interpretation? "Kao-tsung and the Empress Wu," in Denis Twitchett, ed. It is the only known uncarved memorial tablet in more than 2,000 years of imperial history, its muteness chillingly reminiscent of the attempts made by Hatshepsuts successors toobliterate her namefrom the stone records of pharaonic Egypt. No contemporary image of the empress exists. Determining the truth about this welter of innuendo is all but impossible, and matters are complicated by the fact that little is known of Wus earliest years. . Empress Wu (Song dynasty) - Wikipedia She gave titles of royalty to her own Wu family: her brothers and nephews became princes while her sisters, aunts, and nieces became princesses. Wu also learned to play music, write poetry, and speak well in public. Originally published/produced in China, 18th century. She was the daughter of a minor general called Duke Ding of Ying, and came to the palace as a concubine in about 636an honor that suggests that she was very beautiful, since, as Jonathan Clements remarks, admission to the ranks of palace concubines was equivalent to winning a beauty contest of the most gorgeous women in the medieval world. But mere beauty was not sufficient to elevate the poorly connected teenage Wu past the fifth rank of palace women, a menial position whose duties were those of a maid, not a temptress. Amherst : Prometheus Books, 1990; T.H. In 704 CE, court officials could no longer tolerate Wu's behavior and had the Zhang brothers murdered. Wu was forced to abdicate in favor of her exiled son Zhongzong and his wife Wei. This was considered scandalous because of her advanced age and how young the Zhang brothers were but would not have even been commented on if Wu had been a man sleeping with much younger women. Kumarajiva's influence on Chinese Buddhist thought was crucial. Image taken from An 18th-century album of portraits of 86 emperors of China, with Chinese historical notes. Jiu Tangshu [Old history of the Tang]. At these pilgrimage sites, rituals were performed which established a link between the standing Buddha and the ruler. 1, Sui and T'ang, pp. These women were rarely chosen by their people. Two years later, in 712 CE, Ruizong abdicated after he saw a comet one night and, following the interpretation suggested by Taiping, took it as a sign his rule was over. Her experience reflected a reversal of the gender roles and restrictions her society and government constructed for her as appropriate to women. It seems possible that the fate ascribed to Wang and the Pure Concubine was a chroniclers invention, intended to link Wu to the worst monster in Chinas history. The area around Changan could not produce the amount of food required to feed the court and garri-sons, and the transportation of grain up the Yellow River, traversing the Sanmen rapids, was exceptionally expensive. She is hated by gods and men alike.. Numerous educational institutions recommend us, including Oxford University. Changing the dynasty was the easier task and was accomplished by securing the approval of the Confucian establishment. Chu Hsi (1130-1200) was one of the greatest Chinese scholars and philosophers. Thereafter the empress favored Confucianism. Nevertheless, court intrigues still greatly influenced the recruiting of civil servants. Her giant stone memorial, placed at one side of the spirit road leading to her tomb, remains blank. Name variations: Wu Ze-tian; Wu Chao, Wu Hou, or Wu Zhao; Wu Mei or Wu Meiliang; Wu Tse-t'ien, Wo Tsetien, or Wu Tso Tien; Wu of Hwang Ho or Huang He; Empress Wu, Lady Wu. Your Majesty may take this as 'Mount Felicity', but your subject feels there is nothing to celebrate. There are abundant signs that Wu was viewed with deep suspicion by later generations of Chinese. Omens were extremely important to the people of ancient China and played a significant role in Tang politics. Instead, it was left without any inscriptionthe only such example in more than 2,000 years of Chinese history. Wu Zhao: Ruler of Tang Dynasty China - Association for Asian Studies Appears In To ensure the security of her new reign she had any members of the Tang Dynasty royal family imprisoned (including the future emperor Xuanzong) and proclaimed herself an incarnation of the Maitreya Buddha, calling herself Empress Shengsen which means 'Holy Spirit'. Hidden Power: The Palace Eunuchs of Imperial China. Her usurpation marked a significant social revolution, the rise of a new class, which the empress tried to use in her struggle against the traditionalist, northwest nobility. Complete List of Included Worksheets Below is a list of all the worksheets included in this document. Empress Lu Zhi (241-180 B.C.) Taizong was surprised that his latest concubine could read and write and became fascinated by her beauty and wit in conversation. Among a raft of other allegations are the suggestions that she ordered the suicides of a grandson and granddaughter who had dared to criticize her and later poisoned her husband, whovery unusually for a Chinese emperordied unobserved and alone, even though tradition held that the entire family should assemble around the imperial death bed to attest to any last words. Beginning in 660 CE, Wu was effectively the emperor of China. Cold, ruthless, and ambitious, the Han dynasty dowager murdered her rival, the beautiful concubine Lady Qi, by amputating all her limbs, turning her into a human swine and leaving her to die in a cesspit. Justinian. Pick a style below, and copy the text for your bibliography. Yet it was this series of events that cleared the way for Gaozongs, and hence Wus, accession. Her Buddhist supporters interpreted the Madamegha (Great Cloud) sutra to predict a maitreya Buddha (Buddha-to-come) in female form, presumably Wu Zetian herself, who would embody the concept of the cakravartin (wheel-turner, universal emperor, or the ideal man who is king). . Recent revisionist reappraisals have focused on the feminist slant of her rule and her record as an emperor rather than a woman, but no new primary sources have appeared to resolve conflicting information and gaps in her biography. His rule covered a span of 63 years, a reign lo, Zhao Kuang-yin A woman in the most powerful position in government threatened the traditional patriarchy and the court counselors, ministers, and historians claimed Wu had upset the balance of nature by assuming a power which belonged to a man. To consolidate her power, in 657 Wu designated Luoyang as a second capital. Having been raised by her father to believe she was the equal of men, Wu saw no reason why women could not carry out the same practices and hold the same positions men could. The remaining Li-Tang family who survived the murders, including Wu Zetian's own son on whose behalf she was serving as empress dowager, begged to take the surname of Wu to replace their birth surnames of Li. Traditionally, only the emperor, as the son-of-heaven, could communicate with heaven and carry out sacrifices to heaven and earth. The other statues (still seen in the Longmen Grottoes) were also made to elevate her status as a divine ruler who knew what was best for the people and was divinely appointed to apply whatever laws or policies she saw fit. Mutsuhito The Tang Dynasty also witnessed significant military, political, and social changes, as reflected in the transformation of an aristocracy into a meritocracy from the 7th to the 10th centuries. Map: Wikicommons. Retrieved February 23, 2023 from Encyclopedia.com: https://www.encyclopedia.com/women/encyclopedias-almanacs-transcripts-and-maps/wu-zetian-624-705. Empress Wu Zetian - Naked History She has published historical essays and poetry. She was also assured that her sons would rule the country after the death of her husband. Traders from the Mediterranean and Persia also came from both the overland and maritime trade routes, where Buddhism and Central Asian culture, dress, and music reached China. Founder of the Song Dynasty, Zhao Kuang-yin (927-976) ended the practice of frequent military coups, which had exhausted China for mor, https://www.encyclopedia.com/women/encyclopedias-almanacs-transcripts-and-maps/wu-zetian-624-705, Mandate from Heaven: The Tomb of Qin Shi Huang. In 683 CE, when Wu began manipulating events as a man would, one Confucian scholar wrote that nature had been reversed by the 'usurping woman' and "throughout the empire in every prefecture hens changed into roosters, or half changed" (Rothschild, 108). The Chinese Bell Murders. 2019Encyclopedia.com | All rights reserved. License. Since candidates normally tried to win favor with an examiner prior to the tests, some could use their family connections to send samples of their verse in an effort to impress the men who held the keys to government positions. In sum, within the social and political context of her time, Wu Zetian was a leader who went beyond the traditional roles of submissive wife and home-bound mother to emerge as ruler, lawmaker, and head of state and society while her second husband, lovers, and sons were relegated to less powerful positions than traditionally expected. The three phases of the universe; These three phases were birth, existence, and destruction. The primary and secondary sources on Wu Zetian are abundant and problematic, reflecting an almost exclusively male authorship that has portrayed her as a beautiful, calculating, brutal woman who ruled China as the only woman emperor in name and in fact. Wu Zetian's first two sexual partners were emperors and related to each other as father and son. This is very similar to the story of the Empress Lu Zhi (l. 241-180 BCE) of the Han Dynasty who got rid of her rival Qizi in the same way (although Qizi was drowned in a pigsty and had her eyes gouged out as well). You're hard-pressed to find any historical documents that don't have some sort of bias, especially when dealing with a controversial figure like Wu Zetian. This spy system served her well in giving her early warning of any plots in the making and enabled her to take care of threats to her reign before they became actual problems. At a nunnery she established, Empress Komyo sponsored the creation of a statue of the Bodhisattva Kannon which, like Wu Zetians statue at Longmen, was felt to be done in her likeness. Su, Tong. A brother or a clan grandson at times ascended the throne during usurpation or when the emperor died without issue, but female succession through descent from a daughter was never permitted. Retrieved from https://www.worldhistory.org/Wu_Zetian/. ." The court followed Empress Wus example by creating an enormous statue of the Vairocana Buddha in gold and copper at the Todaiji monastery in Nara, Japans capital. We contribute a share of our revenue to remove carbon from the atmosphere and we offset our team's carbon footprint. Privacy Statement She ordered the executions of several hundred of these aristocrats and of many members of the imperial family of Li. After his death, she married his son, Gaozong (r. 649-683 CE) and became empress consort but actually was the power behind the emperor.

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