city of phoenix non permitted construction

Permits - PDD Online Search - Phoenix, Arizona Recreational Vehicle Park: Any lot, tract, or parcel of land used or offered for use in whole or in part with or without charge, for the parking of occupied recreational vehicles, tents, park models, or similar devices used for temporary living quarters for recreational camping or travel purposes. Purpose. Hillside: An area where the natural slope of the ground exceeds 10 percent grade. Medical Marijuana: Means all parts of the genus cannabis whether growing or not, and the seed of such plants that may be administered to treat or alleviate a qualifying patients debilitating medical condition or symptoms associated with the patients debilitating medical condition. 2. w ktG2NqJ(!3 No. All provisions of property subdivision shall be applicable to condominium development so as to protect the public health, safety, and welfare. Transient Purposes: Occupancy of a dwelling, guest room, or rooming unit on a temporary basis. No. Recyclable Consumer Materials: Items that are commonly used for domestic and business purposes and made of a single material. Such a lot over two hundred (200) feet deep shall be considered, for the purpose of this definition, as two lots, each with its own frontage. No. Design Continuity: A unifying or connecting theme or physical feature for a particular setting or place, provided by one or more elements of the natural or created environment. No. No. A single off-site location at which the licensee may manufacture marijuana products and package and store marijuana and marijuana products, but from which marijuana and marijuana products may not be transferred or sold to consumers. Sign, Awning: A sign located anywhere on any surface of an awning. Wireless Communication Facility, Concealed: A facility designed to be architecturally integrated into a building so that the antenna, support structures, cabling and equipment are completely encased or hidden or designed in a manner that blends into the environment so the antenna structure can not be seen or, if seen, can not be recognized as Wireless Communication Facilities. Storage/Warehousing Indoors: An enclosed building designed and used primarily for the storage of assorted goods and materials. This shall include, but is not limited to, buildings, roadways, and utility pipes, lines, poles, or other structures. The owner or operator must hold all other appropriate licenses and permits. A variance is a request to allow a deviation from a development standard required by the Phoenix Zoning Ordinance. Refer to Sections 608 and 1223. No service is provided to adjacent land and access points are limited to other freeways, expressways, and selected arterial streets, with typical minimal spacing of one mile. These include, but are not limited to house, accessory buildings, pool, patios, driveways, visitor parking, fencing, or walls. HUn0+J2 1. Shade/Shading: A shadow cast by structure or vegetation to provide shelter from the heat and glare of sunlight. Local Street - Primarily functions to provide direct access to abutting land and for traffic movements within neighborhoods. We see two possible ways to approach it: No. ~20T!$ERz2d1i1Y0e`LrVElSjAq's20. G-5453, 2009; Ord. Regularly used for presenting any film or plate negative, film or plate positive film or tape designed to be projected on a screen for exhibition, or films, glass slides or transparencies, either in negative or positive form, designed for exhibition by projection on a screen, or images from an on-site or off-site electronic or magnetic storage medium, including but not limited to any hard disk, floppy disk, diskette, disk pack, cd rom, hologram, magnetic tape, or cards, or any other device capable of creating a display on a screen or other viewing media, depicting, describing or relating to "specified sexual activities or characterized by an emphasis on matter depicting, describing, or relating to "specified anatomical areas" for observation by patrons, customers, or members therein. G-4345, 2001; Ord. Veterinary Office: An office maintained by a licensed doctor of veterinary medicine for the treatment and care of small animals, namely the usual household pets and other animals of a similar size and nature but not livestock. This area shall include but is not limited to grill space, ranges, ovens or microwaves. Marijuana Products: Means marijuana concentrate and products that are composed of marijuana and other ingredients and that are intended for use or consumption, including edible products, ointments and tinctures. Drive-In Restaurant: Any establishment where food or beverages are dispensed and where such food or beverages are consumed on the premises but not within a building. On lots that have been disturbed previously, the natural grade is the pre-existing grade if it can be determined; otherwise it shall be determined by an average of off-site elevations at points taken around the boundary of the site. Accessory Use: A subordinate use of a building, other structure, or use of land: 1. Motor Vehicle Rental: Rental of automobiles, including storage, and incidental maintenance of the rental vehicles. 31-44 DrivewaysDuty of Street Transportation and - Phoenix, AZ Glazing: A window, door or other transparent opening in the exterior wall of a building through which merchandise, services, or business are displayed or visible. G-3465, 1991; Ord. Landscaped Area: A plot of land which has been decoratively or functionally altered by contouring and planting shrubs, trees, vines, and with a living and nonliving ground cover and with an automated watering system. City of Phoenix 200 West Washington Street Phoenix, Arizona 85003 General Information 602-262-78 POST THIS PERMIT ON JOB SITE Before you start to dig, call Blue Stake 602-263-1100 RIGHT-OF-WAY PERMIT bprp01w Rev 10.3 07/10/13 bk STATUS: OPEN Printed:03/01/23 To find out about Phoenix construction code adoption news and This includes uses such as, but not limited to, a cigar store, head shop, hookah lounge, or vape lounge. No. Such space shall not be used for vehicles but may be utilized to retain stormwater if designed in accordance with the City of Phoenix Drainage Manual and improved with appropriate surface which fosters recreational use. Lot Rear: The rear lot line is that lot line opposite to the front lot line. Only areas at least fifty (50) feet within any open end mall shall be considered as being within the mall. Enclosed by straight lines drawn closest to the figures extremities and entirely encompassing individual words of symbols; or. No. No. This shall not include breeding or raising of household pets or animals. CITY OF PHOENIX STORMWATER POST-CONSTRUCTION PROGRAM DEVELOPMENT OPEN HOUSE . Hardscape: Decorative pavement or other similar decorative walking surfaces, including defined natural surfaces, intended primarily for pedestrian use. Collector Street - Refers to both collector and minor collector streets. This is the minimum area required to maintain the process of natural channel movement. Bank Vault Storage: A building, the primary use of which is, for the storage of personal goods and valuables in controlled access vaults, no one of which shall contain more than thirty (30) cubic feet. Risks of Working without a Permit - Planning and Development Department Refer to Chapter 13 for more information. But it turns out that the master bed and bath for the main house . Minor Collector - Provides for short distance (less than 3 miles) traffic movement; primarily functions to collect and distribute traffic between local streets and arterial streets. Residential Convenience Market: A small scale retail establishment the primary purpose of which is the sale of fresh and packaged food, dry goods, and medicine primarily to residents of the multiple-family development in which it is located. Non-Profit Medical Marijuana Infusion Facility: A not-for-profit entity that acquires, possesses, manufactures, delivers, transfers, transports, supplies or sells medical marijuana by the means of cooking, blending, or incorporation into consumable or edible product. 3. G-4078, 1998; Ord. No. G-5952, 2014; Ord. Property Line and Fence Laws in Arizona - FindLaw Yard: A space on any lot, unoccupied by a structure and unobstructed from the ground upward except as otherwise provided herein, and measured as the minimum horizontal distance from a building or structure, excluding carports, porches and other permitted projects, to the property line opposite such building line in the side or rear yards, or to the street right-of-way or easement in the front yard; provided, however, that where a future width line is established by the provisions of this ordinance for any street bounding the lot, then such measurement shall be taken from the line of the building to such future width line. No. No. Propellant powders shall include smokeless powder, synthetic black powder, and black powder. G-3461, 1991; Ord. Sign Copy, Obsolete: Any sign copy which no longer correctly directs or identifies an existing use or product available on the premises where such sign is displayed. G-4863, 2007; Ord. Sanctioned by Congress, each Oxford House is operated in accord with the Oxford House Manual and is subject to annual inspections which serve as the functional equivalent of the licensing of community residence homes required by this ordinance. Buffer Strip: Open spaces, landscape areas, fences, walls, berms, or any combination thereof used to physically separate or screen one use or property from another so as to visually shield or block noise, lights, or other nuisances. Lot: A parcel of land shown in the records of the Maricopa County Assessors Office, or any piece of property divided to be used separately from other pieces or parcels of property by description, as in a subdivision or on a recorded survey map, or by metes and bounds, for purposes of sale, lease, or separate use in a legal manner pursuant to all state, county, and city requirements for the development and proposed use or that property. 3 beds, 2 baths, 1680 sq. Zero Lot Line Development: A residential development, according to the provisions of Chapter 6, wherein a building envelope may extend to side lot lines. wind or gravity. No. G-3529, 1992; Ord. B. Most cities require: Completing a permit application. Fine Arts: Limited to painting, drawing, sculpturing, poetry, music, dancing, and dramatic art. No. G-4532, 2003; Ord. PDD Online - Search. Motor Vehicle Service and Repair (Minor): An establishment engaged in the retail sale of gas or diesel fuel, lubricants, parts, and/or accessories, including quick-service oil; tune-up; brake and muffler shops; and tire sales and installation, where repairs are made, or service provided in enclosed bays, and vehicles are not typically stored overnight. G-3604, 1992; Ord. G-5777, 2013; Ord. Such parking facilities must be available to the tenants or customers of the building. G-4264, 2000; Ord. Major arterials have very limited service to abutting land and generally have three through lanes in each direction. No. Sign, Outdoor Advertising: Any billboard or other sign, which is not appurtenant to a use of the property, a product sold on or the sale or lease of the property on which it is displayed and which does not identify the place of business as a purveyor of the merchandise, services, etc., advertised upon the sign. Building construction in Phoenix is generally only permitted during daytime weekday hours, unless an extended hours construction permit has been issued. All collector streets provide for short distance traffic movement and provide direct access to abutting land. G-5766, 2012; Ord. Doctors of medicine, osteopathy, dentistry, and optometry. Planning and Development Non-Permitted Construction - Phoenix, Arizona It looks like your browser does not have JavaScript enabled. Community Garden: A private or public facility for the cultivation of fruits, vegetables, flowers and ornamental plants by more than one person. No. City Of Phoenix by the Superintendent of the Housing Services Division, or any building, structure or lot which is in such a condition as to constitute an imminent danger of fire, as determined by the Fire Marshal, shall constitute a public nuisance, subject to summary abatement, through If you wish to report such a possible violation, please fill out as much of the information requested in this form as possible. SHAPE PHX officially launched on June 6, 2022 with Release 1. No. Elevation, Structure: The exterior design of a structure showing features such as windows, doors, and relationship of grade to floor level. Relief, Architectural: The avoidance of a single continuous plane on a building facade by the incorporation of inset forms such as windows or doors and/or the incorporation of forms which project from the primary building surface such as wainscot, cornice or the projection of organic or geometric ornamentation. Parking, On-Street: Marked or unmarked parking located within a private or public right-of-way. No. Off-Street Passenger Loading: The provision of space off the street and adjacent to a building entrance for the loading and unloading of automobile passengers. The event shall be sponsored by a charitable or nonprofit group or organization and shall not be for personal or private gain. Light Rail Transit (LRT): A fixed guideway transit system. Lot, Area: The total horizontal area within the property lines of a lot or parcel of land including land over which easements have been granted, but not including any land within the limits of a street or alley upon which the lot abuts. No. No. Elevation, Distinctive: A fully dimensioned drawing of the front of a building providing at least three of the following list of variations: 1) different roof forms; 2) different window style, size shape or placement; 3) different trim or architectural detailing; 4) different door style, size, shape or placement; or 5) different treatment of front entry feature. The length of the connecting structure shall be the shortest possible straight line distance from the outside surface of the primary dwelling unit to the most distant outside surface of the connecting structure. No. G-3480, 1991; Ord. The building envelope defines the maximum allowable construction/improvement area on the lot. Roof, Gambrel: A gabled roof with two slopes on each side, the lower steeper than the upper. Instruments, devices, or paraphernalia which are designed for use in connection with "specified sexual activities," excluding condoms and other birth control and disease prevention products. Building Permit: An authorization to construct a structure as issued by the Planning and Development Department. An outdoor advertising structure shall be further classified as follows: JuniorA sign of 75 square feet or less plus 20% embellishments for a total not to exceed 90 square feet. Lot, Through: A lot abutting two parallel or approximately parallel streets. G-5874, 2013; Ord. Recycling Center: A facility at which recyclable materials may be collected, sorted and processed. P:\Non-Permitted Construction, Enforcement Procedures TRT/DOC/00203 . G-4526, 2003; Ord. Drive Aisle: A private, on site vehicular maneuvering lane. Manufactured Home: A multi-sectional dwelling unit manufactured after June 15, 1976, and built to the Manufactured Housing Construction and Safety Standards and the State of Arizona Installation Requirements For Manufactured Housing. Wireless Communications Facility, Co-Location: The act of siting multiple wireless communications providers in the same location and on the same support structure. 1207 General Standards and Guidelines | Phoenix Zoning Ordinance Accessway, Pedestrian: A formalized path, walkway, or other physical connection that allows pedestrians to directly reach destinations. No. Mixed Use Development: A site in which a minimum of 50 percent of the ground floor building frontage is developed with an active use, and at least two land use categories exist on site that are designed to be interconnected. Transit Platform: A designated transit loading and waiting area as assigned by the Public Transit Agency. Includes bulk storage and handling of such products or materials. G-4686, 2005; Ord. No. Residential Use: Shall be deemed to include single and multiple dwellings, hotels, motels, dormitories, and mobile homes. Collocation also means locating one or more additional Wireless Communication Facilities on a structure designed for a different purpose such as, but not limited to, buildings, water tanks, towers, flagpole or utility poles without the need to construct a new support structure. The center may be used for any or all of the following activities or other activities normally conducted at a conference and reception center: Trade show displays; civic events; charitable events; teleconferences; seminars held or sponsored by an individual, entity, or organization on an advance registration basis; receptions; meetings; breakfasts, brunches, lunches, and dinners on an advance registration basis; parties with or without live music or entertainment; balls or dances including live music and other live entertainment; conferences; conventions. General Contractors Residential Buildings Forms for Phoenix Manufacturing and assembly uses are conducted either fully or partially within an enclosed building with limited off-site impacts. Garage, Tandem: A garage designed to accommodate two or more vehicles in a line one behind the other, not adjacent to one another. G-5380, 2009; Ord. 2734 E PIERSON St, Phoenix, AZ 85016 | MLS# 6140778 | Redfin Sign, Projected Image: A sign using an image projected onto the face of a wall, awning, canopy or other building element or a light reflective surface from a separate device. G-4817, 2006; Ord. No. Please note that on-call inspectors will only be investigating construction noise complaints related to construction projects that require permits under the Phoenix Building Construction Code such as roofing a new home and NOT the building of a bookshelf. The price for the Phoenix spiral house Frank Lloyd Wright designed for his son David has dropped by almost $3 million to $9.999 million. MLS# 4871646. The term "substantial conformance" may be used as a subset of a general conformance stipulation to remove the ten percent variation and as such that particular item shall appear exactly as shown on the stipulated public hearing plans. <> . Multifamily Residence: See "Dwelling, Multifamily.". No. Transit Access Facility: The design of the curb and sidewalk to provide a bus turnout approved by the Street Transportation Department, together with an approved shelter with bench for waiting passengers. G-3553, 1992; Ord. Unpermitted addition in Phoenix - BiggerPockets Mixed Use Building: A building in which a minimum of 50 percent of the ground floor building frontage includes an active use that is in a different land use category from the floor above. Building: A structure having a roof supported by columns or walls for the shelter, support, or enclosure of persons, animals, or chattel. Permitted land uses for this property include single-family and . DrivewaysDuty of Street Transportation and Planning and Development Director. Professionally drafted and regularly updated online templates. No. Retail Sales: A commercial enterprise that provides goods and/or services directly to the consumer, where such goods are available for immediate purchase and removal from the premises by the purchaser. Water/Sewer/City Services Bill 602-262-6251 No. Permitted land uses for this property include single-family and commercial. No. Modular Home: A dwelling unit which is either wholly or in substantial part manufactured at an off-site location to be assembled on-site, except that it does not include a manufactured home, mobile home, park model, or recreational vehicle as defined in this section. No. Facilities for 11 or more must locate in within multi-family zoned districts. For permit history prior to 1995, visit Phoenix City Hall, 200 W. Washington Street, Phoenix AZ 85003, 3rd floor, P&D Records Mobile vending site: "Mobile vending site" or "site" (as used in subsection 10-166(b)(1) of the Phoenix City Code) means the property address or Maricopa County parcel number of the land where the mobile vending unit or mobile food vending unit will be located, which is required to be submitted to the City Clerk pursuant to subsection 10-163(11) of the Phoenix City Code. Wholesale: The business of selling goods or merchandise to retailers or jobbers for resale to the ultimate consumer. Non-Commercial Message: A message that does not promote a commercial transaction. To view this site, Code Publishing Company recommends using one of the following browsers: Google Chrome, Firefox, or Safari. Ft. 4119 W HARMONT Dr, Phoenix, AZ 85051. Community Residence Home: Except as required by State law, a community residence home is a residential living arrangement for up to ten unrelated individuals with disabilities living as a single functional family in a single dwelling unit who are in need of the mutual support furnished by other residents of the community residence home as well as the services, if any, provided by the staff of the community residence home.

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city of phoenix non permitted construction

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