hoi4 what to do when capitulate

Regardless of what warlords accept, justify a Take Claimed State war goal on Communist China; then, garrison the large army you just trained across Nationalist China and any of the warlords who did not accept vassalization (do not garrison in Communist China if you got military access from them, as you can't directly declare war on a nation you have forces inside of). Easier in non-historical: if the UK changes ideology, France and Germany will fight early for Czechoslovakia, ending the threat of further guarantees. The easiest way to defeat Turkey is a battle of endurance. Won the Spanish Civil War Once the war has begun, you will want to take advantage of the 15 days justification, so you want to do just that and declare war on them immediately. New comments cannot be posted and votes cannot be cast. But minors such as Hungary can turn major. Focus tree: Never Another Gallipoli down to Our Own Empire (though you can declare independence quicker than the focus tree using the Autonomy mechanic). requires the Assertiveness Sub-branch of the focus tree, The Soviet Union is a subject of Mexico. Flip to Fascism (unlike Utilize the Leagues, Right Wing Rhetoric is not mutually exclusive with Review Foreign Policy), form the Little Entente, and take the focus to Invite Italy to your faction. Wait for Germany to start the war against the Soviet Union and finish the Smash the Bureaucrats focus which gives a puppet war goal against the Soviets. As a Communist United Kingdom, crush the American Dream by puppeting the U.S.A. As Yugoslavia, establish the autonomous region of Transylvania and have it own all Romanian cores. what does cardiac silhouette is unremarkable mean / fresh sage cologne slopes of southern italy / what is the rarest hoi4 achievement. Take all the territory. Have an army group defend the Eastern border of Austria and Yugoslavia and 2 groups preparing to invade UK. As Portugal, create a collaboration government in Macau and have it own all Chinese states. The UK will accept to send the 51 divisions you need if they have ~160 divisions, you can send them some of your own troops as expeditionary forces to get them past that number. After that you can take the All Adults Training and Pro Helvetia paths - focus on defense and forts. As Italy, occupy New York, Chicago and Hawaii. During the war take the Bersaglieri focus. The earlier the war, the better your odds. As Greece, liberate Albania while being at war with Italy. This achievement could also be done with "Neither Death nor Dishonor" one, just take Moscow at the peace conference. . Justify against Russia and declare before coup is complete, when Russian coup is completed invite rebellion to your faction. This page was last edited on 2 March 2023, at 10:40. If not, drive straight for Palestine (get some ports along the way so you won't get cut off from supplies). annex Yugoslavia complete "Fate of the Balkans" after annexing Yugoslavia, help Axis against Soviet Union, help Allies against Axis, use decisions to puppet and annex Romania & Greece). Cannot be done as Egypt (possibly because starting a game as the UK). Build some forts from east of Fiume through Zagreb as a defensive line. Puppet USA is probably better choice if you are sharing war scores with other countries. The "Ver" column indicates in which version a certain achievement was added. Making sure your armies exactly surround the small tile between Katowice and Krakow. You don't need to rush democracy because world tension will be under 80% for a long time. Alternate method, in By Blood Alone the Soviet Union will puppet territory in China, but the new peace conference system makes it easier to take the necessary conferences. You'll need actual divisions to naval invade Crete so once you've outsmarted the AI and taken the whole mainland, use your infantry divisions to invade Crete from the west side (Chania) and have one division pinning the capital which will reinforce the port if you don't. You want to make sure you take them before the Allies, so you get the puppet collaboration government. This way divisions which will retreat will do so to the empty middle tile that your armies surround. Best done by joining the Comintern, as the USSR will never take or puppet any land in China. After crowning any of the five kings (Friedrich Christian, Karl Albrecht I, Micha II, Pavel Bermondt-Avalov, Anastasia Romanov or Wojtek) secure Lithuania through their respective focus and you will have sea access without angering the Germans (give up Danzig if they ask for it). It takes time for resistance to rise to the 90% liberation point. I have found the best option is to prepare a decent amount of tank and motorized divisions to use as a quick force and go through the Benelux (Netherlands, Belgium, Luxembourg). You need to ensure Royal Marriage, so Wallis would be Queen Wallis, You need take focus Unite the Anglosphere. Pick Patriation and Swastika Clubs as your first focuses. Do Lithuania-Belarus SSR focus, and then get war goals and cores on Baltic's. The "DI" column is for difficulty as assessed by wiki editors. Push up and potentially set a secondary invasion from Palermo to Rome. Don't forget to increase the number of factories assigned to A-A/Enigeers after Infantry equipment has a good amount off them. Build warships and planes, use naval bombers to sink the British fleet once you have gained air superiority. The achievement can be gained while at war. Join. The Focus "Rekindle Imperial Sentiment" will give you Bohemia. As Romania, change sides in the war and capitulate a former ally. If you want Portugal, you'll have to take them by yourself. conquering Australia as Czechoslovakia or reaching 1948 as France without ever surrendering). Go the Kemalist route through the Etatism and Peace at Home focuses. Yes cavalry. The order in which you let those African Nations revolt is up to you. Join Comintern. As Yugoslavia, start the Second World War (i.e. When the Trotsky seeks refuge event pops up, choose to invite him into the government. This does mean you are allowed to puppet the Soviets in a peace deal and then have them as part of a faction. It's also possible to go (France) - Italy - Yugoslavia - Bulgaria - Turkey - (Iran) due to the Bosphorus straits allowing you to build a rail connection over them. Currently, if Turkey refuses, the decision will appear again after a few days. Build a few levels of infrastructure to supply your troops, and focus most of your production towards guns with a few on artillery. If you like it, I would very much appreciate if you'd follow me on Spotify. Doing this will also give you buffs to fortification Building - build some on either side of the Waddenzee, making sure to include the three border territories in Freisland - two East of Amsterdam, one at the neck of the Waddenzee. Eventually, you should reach Construction V. The required global flag: kill_me_alive_flag is set when a player's operative dies if the player has completed the Suicide Pills agency upgrade. In this article, there are 3 types of brackets used within commands: Regular brackets as in instantconstruction (ic) are used to show aliases, alternate names for the console commands. Wait out till 1945 for the achievement to fire. do nothing as Luxembourg). If China falls you can alone keep Japan away at the border and look out for Siam because it can turn Fascist by Japanese Focus. Use Cavalry/Tanks to quickly capitulate. Start to push up and finish off the war. Follow the focus tree to fortify against Germany and Italy, then Frontier Defense plan. As British Raj build military factories, invest tech in newest infantry weapons, mass produce it and lend-lease them to the UK for autonomy points (technology above UK level will net more points). Use these divisions together with your fighters to make a push through the low countries. As the United Kingdom, accomplish the federation of the entire British Empire. How do i beat Germany??? : r/hoi4 - reddit.com I'd say capitulation needs a rework, not "the whole game". Once Non-aligned popularity is over 50% (you can make it faster by banning Democratic and Communist as well as Press Censorship and Anti-fascist Raids), take the Power to The King focus then immediately take the 3 focuses after it starting with Seek Papal Support. As a democratic nation, build a lot of planes, namely strategic bombers and fighters, and rush nuclear technology. Important to choose "Insist on a Royal Marriage" so you can form the American Monarchy. The perfect timing for this (the Pre-Empt Western Intervention focus) is when Germany goes for the Danzig or War focus. Let Germany get to -85 opinion so they get the war goal against you. As the Soviet union, capitulate Germany after the fall of France before the allies control one German core state. After this series of easy conquests, you will have the decision to form the Roman Empire. Beware of Japan as they will likely attempt to attack and invade Indonesia so make sure to guard all ports and have some planes and ships to hold them off. Although, given the military capabilities by that point, and that Germany will probably invade France too, it shouldn't be a big problem to do so. This should make UK lose in Egypt as they have to send some troops to fight you. You should be able to take the focus "The people's republic of Bulgaria" by December 1936. While resistance is rising toward 90% in your first choices, start raising resistance in other African countries as backup options in case your first choices do not join your faction. Alternatively you can also play a longer and larger game and just simply either ally or puppet all of the major nations and then get licenses from them. Starting as a minor power, assume faction leadership of the Allies, the Axis, or the Comintern. Interactive corporate website. the Landsturm regiments are pretty damn useless. If you don't have BoTB the best method to do this is to go fascist / communist and fight a actual civil war because the AI won't capitulate even if you have taken the whole mainland since Crete counts as enough victory points to keep them alive. After France capitulates, puppet them with one province, and take everything else. open.spotify. Take the required provinces in the peace conference. Replace the templates of your 16 stack army with the 16-width Engineer & Anti-air and the 2 24 armies with the 16-width with Engineers. This is a community maintained wiki. Leave the first 4 in first slot, next 8 advanced, and again 4. Then, give all Chinese territory to Portuguese China and the achievement will be yours. There is a reason why they didn't surrender in WW2 you know. In the meantime, send all the ships you have, including the French ships, to a port in Northern France and prepare for a naval invasion of the UK. If you want to be even more efficient retreat behind the big river to get a bigger attack debuff. Thus, before starting civil war, justifying war goal on Poland then Germany, as world tension rises, Poland will be guaranteed by the United Kingdom. Promote a divisional commander to general asap and give him command of an army. From there just keep beating the Brits and building new ships and bombers (importing Oil for fuel if needed) until your fleet sinks the Hood and unlocks the achievement. But if the british fails considerably to invade me, I want to make white peace. Hmm thats quite low fuel consumption : r/hoi4 - reddit.com Owns the core states of Romania, Greece, Yugoslavia and Albania as core states. HoI4 focuses on a very short period of time between 1936 and 1948 and tries to emulate the world around World War II. and our And how none faction leaders become majors I still don't understand after 1000 hours of playing 1.3K [deleted] 1 yr. ago Ignore China and earn enough Political Power to justify war goal on Mexico for generating lesser World Tension, then declare war as early as possible. If you want to keep playing, you an try to grab as much of the east as possible as well as there is a follow-on decision to core the far east. After the civil war started, they will help you defeat Stalin, returning every piece of Russian land they occupied because you are having a civil war. This is best done in a run where the emperor stays thanks to the massive boost to compliance gain that the "Elect of God" focus grants. As of 1.9.0, there's no check that the French and British operatives are not the same person. For more information, please see our Faction leadership is also transferred to the next most powerful member if the current leader capitulates. The XP needed to create such a template can be gained by sending volunteer divisions to the spanish civil war. Cause it's kinda silly to have to invade the U.S. Just because they joined the allies before I could finish off the last allied minor nation #5 The United Kingdom will be too busy in Europe to do much against you, so it is possible to declare war on the UK first to unlock War Bonds and get some of your powerful industrial focuses before invading the US. Change your government, use the Hispanic Solidarity decision to invite Guatemala to your faction, then use the March Southward focus to get a war goal on El Salvador. this hoi4 exploit covers how to instantly capitulate enemy nations in hearts of iron 4 like germany or italy. In this case, using ic or instantconstruction has the same effect in-game. When the communists win you can justify on them and they will not be guaranteed. But this should not matter, since you are guaranteed as well. If Iran is in the peace deal as well, make sure to annex Hamadan. However, there is a small chance that Sweden gets guaranteed after you capitulate Norway. Achievements have no in-game effects; the achievement just pops up in-game, and is then added to the player's Steam or Xbox profile depending on the version of the game. Just don't do "Jah" or "The One Tru Heir of Solomon". For Italy, liberate the Kingdom of Libya, Eritrea and then Somali Sultanate. As you only need to control Jerusalem, simply gain enough warscore to ask the controller to transfer occupation of Palestine to you. Don't spend PP negotiating for rearmament, refuse the restrictions once you form your faction. Take Fascism route for independence, justify war on Portugal (don't leave Allies) and take their colonies - should be done before start of WWII. Privacy Policy. Following the Little Entente path will get you Czechoslovakia as your faction member. In the meantime you can annex or puppet Greece and Romania with naval invasions with "Reclaim the Makedonyal Sanjak" claim. As long as Italy has not completed Pact of Steel, they will accept. After they fall you will get control of the axis giving you the achievement. Can also be done by rushing out paratroopers and hoping for an early war with Germany following the little Entente path, You may need to concentrate research & ministers on planes for air superiority. Has completed focus Crush the Dream There are several decisions in the focus tree, giving claims, but to make Miklos Horthy a Naval Commander you need to take the Habsburg Prince Focus Path. (This method is much faster and more consistent than waiting for them to flip peacefully due to the possibility of bad RNG rolls), Whilst the coups are underway/preparing take all focuses up to "united we shall prevail" do not take "The unification of the Balkans". Take the Move to Secure the Dominion focus as soon as you switch communist, and start justifying on the Philippines, since that won't raise WT by much but still make sure the US gets involved. As the Netherlands, liberate the continental Netherlands after relocating the government to the East Indies. 1.4K. You should declare on Saudia-Arabia first, as their port is much easier to invade than Yemen. There's a fairly common mechanic in hex and counter games for the US to pull out of the European war, even the Pacific in some cases, if things get too hairly. Holding out against the Soviet is possible, but you might end up against a mass of Soviet troops on your border while the German simply roll into Moscow. Create an account to follow your favorite communities and start taking part in conversations. It means that the axis only need to capitulate those too. If you train regular forces and raise the special forces cap through Focus and Research you can easily make 9-10 units around '42/'43, Move them to Malta, make a paradrop order on Rome, and click execute. Declare war against Tannu Tuva but DO NOT capitulate them. What Should I do? Hi, let me introduce myself! Ignore China, justify on Netherlands, ask Germany for Military Access and Naval invade from German Coast into western coast of Netherlands. Rush the focus "Exploit the Weak Neighbours". In this case there are two majors on your side, France and Poland. There are some countries that starts majors and some minors. Start to push in northern Italy, and and should be able to get naval supremacy in Central Med and invade Sicily from Greece. You can leave the Axis if you can't finish before Germany invades Poland. Once the faction is created release Norway and Denmark as puppets and they will automatically join you. It is important to keep WT under 50% if possible while the invasion of the US is ongoing, since above that they will be able to join factions and thus ally themselves with France, making it necessary to capitulate France as well before it is possible to puppet the US. Let the Japanese conquer one province and nuke it. As a Warlord, have at least 1,000,000 manpower queued up for deployment. Having even a few provinces lets you win the civil war easily. The key in here is to not capitulate. Attack the Monarchist (or both sides) before they can recover from the civil war. Answer (1 of 5): Wrong wrong wrong. Once you have annexed/puppeted the USA, a decision will appear to install an American Monarchy. If you wish to continue playing and get another achievement (Stalin, How Many Guns Does He Have), you can use the war goal you get from Time for War to declare war on the USSR and join Germany's attack. Since Decolonisation is likely done before the invasion (to prevent civil war), it is necessary to call Canada into the war to be able to attack the US from their border. Annex Curacao, satellite Dutch East Indies and the puppet remainder of Netherlands. After subjugating warlords, a series of Integrates the Warlords decisions will be opened; just make decisions for Yunnan and Guangxi. Only requires the Restore Byzantium decision, which can be taken by conquering all of Turkey and the entire Balkans (Albania, Bulgaria, Yugoslavia, Romania and Hungary). Capitulate Country Command? | Paradox Interactive Forums You will need some civilian factories and lots of cargo ships. at least 6 of the following is a subject of Bulgaria: After completing "The Fate of the Balkans" you get the ability to peacefully puppet any nation with a Balkan capital who is in your faction, as well as the capacity to force them into your faction if they are not already in one. After this you can easily take France, since they were weakened by the war and taking Paris should be no problem. Then, just wait until they make enough divisions, and request them (leave the Comintern/Axis and then form your own faction for the achievement if you didn't get a chance to take over faction leadership).. Any country at war with the player and Poland has the Global flag warsaw_liberated_self_flag is set. From Sicily, you can reach Tunesia and a small part of Algeria. Do note that even if the UK or France has agreed to split up Turkey they can individually bail on the war when you do the focus to declare war on Turkey. If they do, just give it away. Send this operative again, and wait for him/her to get captured for the second time. Controls all western coastal Turkish states. It takes a very long time, and, once you've won WWII, it's obviously going to work eventually, so it's very boring. Field marshall: Edward, Generals: Marian, Roman and Kazimierz. Also you want to take the Foreign Affair branch until you reach Albanian Occupation to get Albania. get your war goal from focus "Pan-Africanism", declare war on UK. Now for the final part, make sure you have enough divisions to hold the Axis for a round a week. Another alternate solution is to play the netherlands, and go for the benelux unification by rushing cave to the british. Convert military factories into civilian factories in Transvaal. Put a few units there to guard the island. After the dutch have surrendered, start on Belgium (wait until your tanks are at the front line) and get to brussels as quick as you can. Men? An easy way to trigger the uprising as Soviet Union: Is faction leader Don't call in anyone, especially Germany. Justify/declare/naval invade Ireland early. When your tanks arrive in France, change the planes' order to support troops over their territory and move the tanks quickly to the victory points (focusing on Paris). Once the war starts you should have naval supremacy for a few hours. Occupy a coastal province in Europe as Mexico, and if in a faction have it contain only South American members or puppets. Join axis. The point of the game is to think like a tactician as well as to sometime cheese the game. Setup a naval invasion, making sure to include your light tanks and motorized infantry, from Germany to Dieppe and put your navy on naval invasion support. Also, be aware there may be some issues caused by the central air node bug but this can be fixed by focusing your transport planes on your air field's air zone once the battle plan is initiated. 4: Have completed the focus "Artillery Modernization". (have between 48-72 good divisions). As the U.S.A., Win against the Confederate States. Once that is done start pushing upwards from Ethiopia to surround the allied divisions left in Egypt and to take the remaining states. Type :yesman. Declare war and launch the invasion - while the starting French navy is stronger than the starting German navy, there is a brief period where the player will have superiority over the Channel. When Japan has declared on China, justify/declare on China, too. After the civil war ends save up 190 political power to justify on Denmark and Norway then cancel justification on Denmark and redo it, this will give you concurrent war goals to avoid them getting guaranteed by the UK, while this is happening devote your spy agency to first 'Propaganda' in Finland and then once the civil war is over switch to 'Boost Ideology' to get ready for a Fascist coup. For construction: Que level 5 (or higher) forts and on the bottom military factories. Try to get proper tank divisions before the war starts. does not have country flag: invalid_for_danzig_achievement Sweep up the rest of the Chinese United Front, and then after annexing any of the warlords that submitted to you (an easy way to do this is to build dockyards and produce convoys), Claim the Mandate of Heaven. A third way is to play as France, go down the Napoleonic Path, release as many of your puppets as possible (don't release Algeria or Vietnam - you can gain cores on the former, and the latter has much-needed rubber) conquer Belgium, the Netherlands and Britain (and satellite as much territory as possible from each - Belgium gives you 5 puppets from their African territory, the Netherlands gives you 3 - the Indies and both of their South American territories, and the UK gives you 40). Make sure you don't bring your allies (Especially Italy, which will take your land unless you use all your war score on Poland and France). Make a railroad from Gibraltar to Singapore. Great powers are supposed to lose that attribute if other nations gain ground and exceed them in numbers, as the number of great powers is limited to 6 (or 7, it was written in the code). Go to "Rally the Nation". Call in the USSR to get naval supremacy in the Black Sea and naval invade the province. It should be really easy to get enough war participation to demilitarize the Rhineland and more. One option is to turn off historical, but manually set Japan, China, Communist China, the Baltics, and Poland to follow their historical paths (setting countries to Historical never disables achievements).

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hoi4 what to do when capitulate

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