j2 haplogroup famous

Clan Gordon is a Scottish clan originating in the 12th century in the Scottish Borders region. Milorad Dodik (b. The haplogroup of the celebrated Russian writer Count Lev Nikolayevich Tolstoy, usually known as Leo Tolstoy (1828-1910), was inferred by testing one of his descendants, Pyotr Tolstoy. Geneticist Spencer Wells further clarified that his subclade is I2-M223 CTS616+ at the Genetic Genealogy Ireland 2014 Conference. Most Caucasian people belong to the same CTS6804 subclade and share a common patrilineal ancestor who lived some 7,500 years ago, at the time of the Neolithic expansion to the Caucasus. Other European Y-DNA haplogroups include Haplogroup N2 (Finland and Russia), Q (Norway), G (central and southern Europe), J2 (the eastern Mediterranean and Ashkenazi Jews), and T (the Mediterranean). Mulders contradicted interpretations of his research by some media outlets, which claimed that Hitler definitely had Jewish ancestry. This could either mean that Z435 was one of the founding Italic lineages, or that it was already in Italy and was assimilated by the Italic tribes. [6] Grard Lucotte,[7][circular reference] the controversial geneticist in charge of analyzing the hair material, also publicly claimed in France in 2005 to have "discovered" the DNA of Jesus Christ from the Argenteuil Tunic relic. He, the Minamonto (Genji) clan and patrilineal descendants of the Imperial family of Japan should belong to the same Y-DNA haplogroup D1a2a1a2b1a1 (D-Z1504, CTS8093). This branch is found almost exclusively in South Asia today, apart from a few reported samples from the Middle East (Syria, Iraq, Arabian peninsula, Egypt). YDNA Haplogroup J | J1 and J2 - Your DNA Guide - Diahan Southard [43], Fath-Ali Shah Qajar (17721834), the second emperor and shah of the Qajar dynasty of Iran belonged to Haplogroup J-M267 with DYS388 = 13 as deduced from testing of descendants of several of his sons. According to the testing of numerous relatives, he belonged to I1-Z58 > Z59 > Z60 > CTS7362 > Z73 > Y3657 > Z2900 > Y7654 > S2122 > Y11026 > Y13938 (aka BY2841). the Buba clan of the Lemba tribe of South. This, in order to convey that he was not exactly what during the Third Reich would have been called 'Aryan.' His father adopted the surname Downey, but before that his paternal ancestors were called Elias, or Eliasovitz before they emigrated to the United States. Richard Stockton (1730-1781),was an American lawyer, jurist, legislator, and a signer of the Declaration of Independence. David Hume was one of the fathers of the Scottish Enlightenment and one of the leading Empiricist philosophers. Sax commented: Such methods obtaining material without the consent of the donor would generally disqualify 1963), an actor, producer, musician, comedian and singer, famous for his roles as Blackie Parrish on the ABC television series General Hospital, and Jesse Katsopolis in the sitcoms Full House and its sequel Fuller House, and in Grandfathered. [33] In YFull's YTree a more detailed position is given for his Y-DNA under I-Y3120's subclades Y4460 > Y3106 > Y91535.[34]. Although members of both haplogroups spread along similar migration routes . Early in this expansion process, Haplogroup J developed 2 subgroups, J1 and J2. Hess flew solo to Scotland in an attempt to negotiate peace with the United Kingdom during World War II. J-M172 's paternal line was formed when it branched off from the ancestor J-M304 and the rest of mankind around 28,000 BCE. According to the Sutherland DNA Project, the ancestral Sutherland line belongs to R1b-DF27 > ZZ12 > FGC23071 > FGC23066 > BY48361 > BY130907 > BY67446 and has Y-chromosomal matches in modern Flanders, confirming Freskin's origins. The team that analysed the Eighteenth Dynasty mummies disputed a claim later made by the personal genomics company iGENEA regarding Tutankhamun's Y-DNA profile. The current Princes of Monaco descend from the House of Polignac. From then on, J2 men would have definitely have represented a sizeable portion of the population of Bronze and Iron Age civilizations such as the Hurrians, the Assyrians or the Hittites. While J2b* and J2b1 lineages are mostly restricted to the Caucasus, eastern Anatolia and the Balkans, J2b2 is found throughout Europe, in the Pontic-Caspian Steppe, in Central Asia and in South Asia, particularly in India. MtDNA results indicate direct maternal descent while Y-DNA results indicate direct paternal descent; these are only two of many lines of descent. R1a members of the Cooper DNA Project belong to the Scandinavian/Scottish R1a-Z284 > L448 branch. Actor Alec Baldwin (b. All of them belong to the typically north-western European R1a-L664 (DYS388=10). An extended 17-marker haplotype was published in 2007,[57] and the company Family Tree DNA has also published results for other markers in its standard first 12-marker panel. Discussion and support of Y-DNA J2-M172 Haplogroup Research:. 1955) is a Chinese-American cellist. Larmuseau et al. Ashkenazi Y-DNA Haplogroup J2. Noah was the great-great-great-grand-son of John Webster (1590-1661), 5th Governor of the Connecticut Colony, whose other patrilineal descendants include industrialist Towner K. Webster, Chicago architect Maurice H. Webster, impressionist painter Stokely Webster, author Henry Kitchell Webster, and professor James G. Webster. Wilson was elected twice to the Continental Congress, was a signatory of the United States Declaration of Independence, and was a major force in drafting the United States Constitution. The PBS television series Finding Your Roots mentioned that he carries a Y-haplogroup common among Asians and Native Americans and found in 6% of the Jews, which can only be haplogroup Q. The American lexicographer, textbook pioneer and English-language spelling reformer Noah Webster Jr. (1758-1843), after whom the modern Merriam-Webster dictionary was named, most probably belonged to haplogroup J1-BY161126 (downstream of L858 > PF4872 > L829 > CTS2572), based on the resuts from the Webster Y-DNA Surname Project. He is also known for being the inventor of the lightning rod, bifocals, and the Franklin stove. A distant relative of his was Lieutenant General Thomas Jonathan "Stonewall" Jackson (1824-1863), the best-known Confederate commanders of the American Civil War after General Robert E. Lee. Z435 was formed about 3,600 years ago and has a TMRCA of only 3,100 years ( 300 years). The Polish princely House of Lubomirski appears to belong to haplogroup J2b2a-L283 > Z585 > Z628 > Y15058 (aka CTS3617) according to the testing of a member of the family (reportedly Ladislas Jean Lubomirski, father of the photographer Alexi Lubomirski) at Family Tree DNA. The most famous member was probably Robert Gascoyne-Cecil, 3rd Marquess of Salisbury who served as British prime minister three times for a total of over thirteen years under Queen Victoria. Famous members include Richard Lee I (16171664), founder of the family and wealthy landowner, Richard Henry Lee (1732-1794), one of the Founding Fathers of the United States, and General Robert E. Lee (1807-1870), who was commander of the Confederate States Army during the American Civil War. In fact, it seems that many branches of J2a (e.g. As such he must have belonged to R1b-U106 > Z381 > Z301 > L48 > L47 > Z159 > FGC15335 according to the Hemingway Y-DNA Project. These results contradict earlier studies by Lalueza-Fox et al. He belongs to the subclade J2a1-L556/L560. Furthermore, this N1c1 haplotype possess the distinctive value DYS390=23, found in Scandinavia but not in Uralic populations, confirming that this was indeed the original haplotype of the Varangian prince Rurik (c. 830-c. 879) who established the Kievan Rus'. [9][10], The last tsar of Russia, Nicholas II of Russia, was assigned to mtDNA haplogroup T, based on mutations 16126C, 16169Y, 16294T, 16296T, 73G, 263G, and 315.1C. He also led the United States into World War I in 1917, establishing an activist foreign policy known as Wilsonianism. Origins and history of Haplogroup I2 (Y-DNA) - ResearchGate J2 was also absent from all Chalcolithic and Bronze Age Indo-European cultures, apart from one J2a1b sample in Hungary dating from the end of the Bronze Age (c. 1150 BCE, see Gamba et al. Actor Kevin Costner (b. mtDNA Haplogroup H (16111T, 16357C, 263G, 315.1C): Although this points to a non-paternity at some time in the Plantagenet lineage, it is likely that most if not all Dukes of Beaufort, and possibly most Plantagenets monarchs outside the House of York belonged to R1b-U152. (2016) tested 44 ancient Near Eastern samples, including Neolithic farmers from Jordan and western Iran, but only the above-mentioned sample from Mesolithic Iran belonged to J2. The main branch of Scottish Clan Boyd, whose clan chief has held the title of Lord Boyd (1454) then of Earl of Kilmarnock from 1661 to 1746, belongs to R1b-U106 > Z381 > S1684 > U198 > S15627 > DF89 > FGC12770 > FT69836 > JFS0024 according to the Boyd DNA Project. According to the Y-DNA testing of two illegitimate descendants of Prince Albert of Prussia (18091872), Geoffrey Rockel and Franz Rockel, the House of Hohenzollern would belong to haplogroup I2-P78 > Y7219. In 2003 Oxford University researchers traced the Y-chromosome signature of Somerled of Argyll, one of Scotland's greatest warriors, who is credited with driving out the Vikings. In the 17th century, the Barclay de Tolly, a branch of the Barclay of Towie from Banffshire, migrated to Mecklenburg, and later to what is now Latvia and Lithuania. All Jewish Q fall under the Q1b branch. recognized by geneticists. The most likely estimate is 1873 BCE, . (2009) tested the DNA of the presumed grave of Tsar Nicholas II of Russia and all his five children, and compared them against archival blood specimens from Nicholas II as well as against samples from descendants of both paternal and maternal lineages. All the great seafaring civilisations from the middle Bronze Age to the Iron Age were dominated by J2 men. offered since late 2013 by BritainsDNA and associated companies ScotlandsDNA, IrelandsDNA and YorkshiresDNA. The only variety of R1b that is found at reasonably high frequencies in Southeast Europe, and particularly in Greece, is R1b-Z2103, the branch found in the eastern Yamna culture, including the Volga-Ural region. Y-DNA haplogroup I - most common among Serbs - Blogger This dynasty is known as the House of Bjelbo, and all six kings were presumably members of haplogroup I1. This places him in Group 2 in the Kastner Y-DNA Project, who belong to R1b-U152 > L2 > A19725 > BY39321. Zahi Hawass et al. Maybe Not", Bure DNA - DNA-research of the medieval Bure family in Sweden, "Ancient DNA of Emperor CAO Cao's granduncle matches those of his present descendants: a commentary on present Y chromosomes reveal the ancestry of Emperor CAO Cao of 1800 years ago", "Ancient DNA supports Emperor Cao's paternal genetic lineage belonging to haplogroup O2", "G2b-M377 / L72 / L183 / M283 Y Haplogroup Project (formerly G2c) Y-DNA SNP", "DNA Analysis of 5 People Who Helped Create America", "Whole-sequence analysis indicates that the Y chromosome C2*-Star Cluster traces back to ordinary Mongols, rather than Genghis Khan", "The Y-chromosome C3* star-cluster attributed to Genghis Khan's descendants is present at high frequency in the Kerey clan from Kazakhstan", "Molecular Genealogy of a Mongol Queen's Family and Her Possible Kinship with Genghis Khan", "Hitler was verwant met Somalirs, Berbers en Joden. The Rothschild family, who established an international banking business, acquired the largest fortune in modern world history and established a true dynasty in the 19th century, apparently belonged to haplogroup J2a1-Y23457 (under M67, Z467 and Y15238) based on the results from the Rothschild DNA Project and of the J2-M172 Haplogroup Research. The Scottish Clan Colquhoun/Calhoun from Dunbartonshire belongs to the clade E-V13 > BY3880 > Y16729 > Y16721 > Y16733 according to the Calhoun Surname Project. The oldest known J2b sample comes from the Pre-Pottery Neolithic site of Tepe Abdul Hosein in western Iran, dating from approximately 10,000 years ago. The American rock legend and cultural icon Elvis Presley (1935-1977) was revealed to belong to haplogroup I in the book Old World Roots of the Cherokee (p.42). Clan Gregor (or McGregor) is a Highland Scottish clan that claims an origin in the early 800s. Other high incidence of haplogroup J2 are found in many other Caucasian populations, including the Azeri (30%), the Georgians (27%), the Kumyks (25%), and the Armenians (22%). 2016). Both of them are descended from Sir Anthony Jackson (1594-1666) from Yorkshire, England. Based on 13 STR markers tested his haplogroup can be assigned as E1b1a. James Scott, 1st Duke of Monmouth was the eldest illegitimate son of Charles II of England, Scotland, and Ireland with mistress Lucy Walter. Likewise, over 100 Y-DNA samples have been tested from Neolithic Europe, covering most of the important cultures, and only two J2 sample was found, in the Sopot and Proto-Lengyel cultures in Hungary, dating from 7,000 years ago. Sanders is the longest serving independent in U.S. congressional history. Paulus Van Haren Kster (1644-1708) from Dsseldorf, Germany. Based on the numerous results from the Gentis Grimaldorum DNA Project, the original House of Grimaldi, which inlcuded the Lords then Princes of Monaco until Louis II of Monaco (1870-1949), belonged to a Scandinavian branch of haplogroup I1-L22 > Y3549 > P109 > Y3662 > S14887. He hqs been speculqted thqt the prisoner was an imposter and not Rudolf Hess. (2017)). American actor and producer Ted Danson (b. The English musician, singer-songwriter, and actor Gordon Matthew Thomas Sumner, known professionally by his stage name Sting (b. He was accompanied by a woman with similar admixtures, and both possessed typical Pontic-Caspian Steppe mtDNA (I1a1 and W3a). Wilson served as the president of Princeton University and as the 34th governor of New Jersey before winning the 1912 presidential election. Henry Clay (1777-1852) was an American attorney and statesman who represented Kentucky in both the Senate and House and served as 9th Secretary of State. The most famous member Pavel Tsitsianov (1754-1806), an Imperial Russian military commander and infantry general who also served as head of the Russian troops in Georgia and Viceroy of the Caucasus. Members of the House of Wettin include the Kings Edward VII, George V, Edward VIII and George VI of the United Kingdom, all the Kings of the Belgians, the Kings of Portugal from 1853 to 1910, the Kings of Bulgaria from 1887 to 1946, several Kings of Poland and Grand Dukes of Lithuania, the Margraves of Meissen from 1075 to 1423, the Electors of Saxony from 1423 to 1806, the Kings of Saxony from 1806 to 1918, and the rulers of the numerous smaller Saxon duchies. (2013) investigated the Y chromosomes of Sayyid Ajjal, the ancestor of many Muslims in areas all across China, through his modern descendants. His haplotype, although not confirmed by SNP testing yet, is predicted as E-V13. The clan chief has held the title of Earl of Dundonald since 1669. For his work, he received a National Medal of Arts from President Barack Obama in 2013. They were supposedly descended from Robert Wright of Brook Hall, Essex, England, which allowed the Wright Surname DNA Project to isolate their paternal lineage. Therefore it cannot be determined at present when the non-paternity event occured in the Plantagenet lineage, and whether most of the Plantagenets monarchs belonged to haplogroup G2 or R1b-U152. The clan chiefs later held the title of Lord Glamis (from 1445), Earls of Kinghorne (1606), and eventually Earls of Strathmore and Kinghorne from 1677 to this day. The mutation that gave rise to J2 is called J-M172. Cordell Hull (1871-1955) was an American politician from Tennessee and the longest-serving U.S. Secretary of State, holding the position for 11 years (19331944) in the administration of President Franklin Delano Roosevelt during most of World War II. According to the DNA results of a relative, Google co-founder Larry Page (b. This however did not match the Y-DNA of three modern relatives (who were all R1b-U152 xL2) descended from Edward III, Richard III's great-great-grand-father. It is estimated that J2 split first from J* around 37,000 years ago, followed by J1 some 33,000 years ago. Ancient Remains, List of haplogroups of famous Japanese people, "Famous peoples Y DNA and mt DNA haplotypes", https://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=List_of_haplogroups_of_historic_people&oldid=1138776630, This page was last edited on 11 February 2023, at 15:07. 1937) appears to belongs to haplogroup J1-Z18271 (downstream of ZS227), which corresponds to the lineage of the Y-chromosomal Aaron. 1285 to 1440. Known to his Army colleagues as "Hancock the Superb", he was noted in particular for his personal leadership at the Battle of Gettysburg in 1863. Later chiefs became Earls of Seafield (1701 to present), Barons Strathspey (1858 to present). John Curtin (1885-1945), the 14th Prime Minister of Australia from 1941 to 1945, was identified as a member of haplogroup J2a4h2 (F3133+) by the Curtin Clan Y-DNA Project. He was elevated to the rank of prince in 1815, a title that his descendants would keep until the 20th century. His son, Richard Taylor (1826-1879) was a Lieutenant General in the CSA and became army commander in the Trans-Mississippi Theater. Ironically this haplogroup thought to be at the origin of Afro-Asiatic languages, which includes the Semitic languages and peoples that Hitler despised so much. 1987) belongs to I2-PH908 (downstream of L147.2 and S17250). Where Did My Mitochondrial DNA Haplogroup Come From? Their language is distantly related to Dagestanian languages, but not to any other linguistic group. One branch of the clan acquired the titles of Laird of Cadzow (c. 1315), Lord Hamilton (1445), Earl of Arran (1503), Marquess of Hamilton (1599), and eventually Duke of Hamilton (1643) until the 12th duke died without male heir in 1895 and the title passed to Clan Douglas. In 2005, geneticist Bryan Sykes asked for DNA samples from clan chiefs (Lord Godfrey Macdonald, Sir Ian Macdonald of Sleat, Ranald MacDonald of Clan Ranald, William McAlester of Loup and Ranald MacDonnell of Glengary) to complete the project, and all matched the presumed Somerled haplotype. Haplogroup J2b2 M241 Rhineland Romans | Y-DNA Haplogroup J2b - Flickr K. Drosou et al. William Howard Taft (1857-1930), the 27th President of the United States and the tenth Chief Justice of the United States, belonged to R1b-U106 > Z381 > Z301 >Z30 > Z338 > FGC1954 according to the results from the Taaffe DNA Project (descendant of Robert Taft, 1640-1725). The influential Randolph family of Virginia belongs to R1b-P312 > Z39300 (aka PH2278) based on the results from the Randolph/Randall/Randle/Randol Surname Group (Albemarle County group). The acclaimed theoretical physicist Albert Einstein is presumed to have belonged to Y-haplogroup E-Z830 based on the results from a patrilineal descendant of Naphtali Hirsch Einstein Albert . His father was of Romanian Jewish ancestry. Bogdanowicza et al. My Fathers was J2 subclade J-Z631 and traced his Elliott surname from Merseyside back to 1600s Warwickshire UK so far. If you are new to genetic genealogy, please check our Introduction to phylogenetics to understand how to read a phylogenetic tree. He is the nephew of screenwriter, film director and producer Francis Ford Coppola, who shares the same haplogroup. Faulkner is one of the most celebrated writers in American literature generally and Southern literature specifically. Joseph Stalin (1878-1953), who ruled the Soviet Union from the mid-1920s until his death, was of Georgian origin and belonged to haplogroup G2a1a. It was very important for the Yuan dynasty to maintain marriage-alliance with the Onguds, which had been very important assistant since Genghis Khan. That would explain why it has been so hard to identify R1a or R1b lineages that could be of Illyrian or Mycenaean origin. This region corresponds to the BactriaMargiana Archaeological Complex (BMAC), also known as the Oxus civilization, which flourished between 2300 and 1700 BCE. Knack magazine", "Phylogeographic Analysis of Haplogroup E3b (E-M215) Y Chromosomes Reveals Multiple Migratory Events Within and Out Of Africa", "Family Tree DNA questions reporting about Hitler's origins", "Comparing yourself to the Jefferson DNA", "Genetic genealogy reveals true Y haplogroup of House of Bourbon contradicting recent identification of the presumed remains of two French Kings", "John Doe Premium Combo DNA Ancestry Report", "Haplogroup of the Y Chromosome of Napolon the First", "A Y-Chromosome Signature of Hegemony in Gaelic Ireland", "Recent Spread of a Y-Chromosomal Lineage in Northern China and Mongolia", "Asian Ancestry based on Studies of Y-DNA Variation: Part 3. List of haplogroups of historic people - INFOGALACTIC [47] The Kerey clan of the Kazakhs have a high amount of the C3* star-cluster (C2*-ST) Y chromosome and is very high among Hazaras, Kazakhs and Mongols in general. They identified them as a members of haplogroup R1a. Descendants of two of the sons of Old Olof (who was born about 1380) were identified as G-Y12970*, and descendants of his alleged brother Fale as G-Y16788. This is the case of the Asakura clan. It is very likely that J2a, J1-Z1828, L1b, T1a-P77 and G2a-L293 were the dominant male lineages the Early Bronze Age Kura-Araxes culture (3,400-2,000 BCE), which expanded from the South Caucasus to eastern Anatolia, northern Mesopotamia and the western Iran. They established that both men belonged to haplogroup E-M34, a subclade which is thought to have reached Mediterranean Europe from the Levant during the Neolithic period. 16069T, 16126C, 73G, 146C, 185A, 188G, 263G, 295T, 315.1C. Haplogroup J has an estimated age of about 45,000 years. Al Capone (1899-1947), sometimes known by the nickname "Scarface", was an American gangster and businessman who attained notoriety during the Prohibition era as the co-founder and boss of the Chicago Outfit. His Y-DNA was identified as R1a (possibly the Z93 branch and Z2123>Y934 clade based on STR values, but unconfirmed), while his mtDNA was H1b. The results unequivocally confirmed that the grave was the one of the last Russian Royal family. They were elevated to the rank of count in 1595, then prince of the Holy Roman Empire in 1647. King has received Bram Stoker Awards, World Fantasy Awards, and British Fantasy Society Awards, among others. He was awarded the Nobel Peace Prize in 1953 for his role in elaborating the Marshall Plan of U.S. foreign aid to Western Europe after WWII. Winston Churchill lauded Marshall as the "organizer of victory" for his leadership of the Allied victory in World War II. The forensic analysis of the skeletal remains of Che Guevara (1928-1967), the Argentine Marxist revolutionary and major figure of the Cuban Revolution, revealed that he belonged to haplogroup R1b-L21. [54], The accuracy of some of the coverage arising from this study was questioned. The analysis of his descendants's Y-chromosomal DNA confirmed that Joseph Smith (1805-1844), the founder of Mormonism and the Latter Day Saint movement, belonged to haplogroup R1b-M222 (R1b-L21 > DF13 > DF49 > Z2980 > Z2976 > DF23 > Z2961 > S645 > Z2965 > M222). Abraham Lincoln (1809-1865), the 16th president of the United States, appears to have belonged to R1b-U152 > L2 > Z142 > Z150 > S20376 > S20376. However both the Etruscans and Greeks would have carried many other Y-DNA lineages, including G2a, J1, R1b-Z2103, T1a, and probably also E-M34. The presence of these haplogroups and admixtures in southern Italy almost certainly represent Kura-Araxes ancestry inherited from Minoan Greeks from the Aegean islands. The two first human beings to have their whole genome sequenced, James D. Watson, the co-discoverers of the structure of DNA, and biologist Craig Venter both happen to be members of Y-DNA haplogroup R1b-S21 (U106), although they belong to distinct subclades (L48 > Z9 > Z30 for Watson, and L48 > L47 > L44 > L163 > L46 > L45 for Venter). The man who is the most recent common ancestor of this line is estimated to have been born around 25,000 BCE. Four of the princes Lubomirski held the office of Grand Marshal of the Crown in the 17th and 18th centuries.

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