john leary messages 2021

Most of these divisions center around the means of the death culture that has little regard for life. Jesus said: My people, you are seeing the beginning of the vaccine mandates that will be getting so bad, that I will soon have to bring My Warning and the refuges to save your lives. I want you to quote my Magnificat which is read at your night prayers. This was a traitorous act that killed so many innocent people, and the dust harmed even more people. There is not a lot of tested science to back up the need for Covid shots that do not prevent getting the Covid virus., Jesus said: My people, because Biden appears to be a weak leader, you are seeing Russia and China becoming emboldened to take the Ukraine and China wants Taiwan. You can remember when you had the government trying to force your health insurance on you. I showed you a vision of dead bodies lying around, who represented the dead vaccinated people. For these reasons I will soon bring My Warning, and My call of My faithful to My refuges. He had faith in My healing power, so I healed him of his blindness. Putin is claiming a red line against NATO if they put missiles or troops in the Ukraine. You will be protesting the Covid shot mandates for the nurses at your local hospital today. The angel led Tobiah to use the fish oil on Tobits eyes and the salve which allowed Tobiah to strip the cataracts off of Tobits eyes. The Covid-19 virus has killed a large number of people, but the big goal is to use vaccines to kill even more people by their bioweapon to use the spike protein to destroy peoples immune system. Use your Good Friday oil or the exorcism water with the miraculous medal on vaccinated people so they will not die., Jesus said: My people, you are seeing Russia and some countries divesting themselves of dollar related investments. You also will have round the clock perpetual Adoration, so My faithful can worship Me at their appointed hours. One of the most important gifts of Mine is your very life existence, but even your people are discarding My babies in abortion as human garbage. At My refuges I will provide for all of your needs and for your protection with My angels., Jesus said: My people, the liberal Democrats are trying to create a large government that makes you dependent on them, and they are destroying your middle income businesses with more regulations and control. Call on My help when you are in need, or when you are being threatened., Monday, September 6, 2021: (Labor Day) You will have a life review of all of your good and bad actions in your life. Listen to My prophets as I am preparing you again for My return., Prayer Group: I will renew the earth, and I will bring My faithful into My Era of Peace. You will have no evil present, and you will grow in holiness. Farmers could see problems in getting enough rain or water sources to grow their crops. Do not take any Covid vaccine that could kill you in a few years. These leaders in China are the ones who purposely made the Covid virus and spread it all over the world. This is the same faith in My power that will be necessary for Me to multiply your food, water, and fuels at your refuges. Those people, who do not believe in Me and do not repent of their sins, will suffer much, and they could be lost in hell. 03 March, 2023 14:17. My son, you are seeing the signs of a weakening in faith, and the one world people are ready to control people in leading up to the Antichrists control. Monday, May 31, 2021: (Visitation of Blessed Mother, Memorial Day) Mary said: My dear children, when St. Gabriel came to me, I gave my fiat yes to being the When you do not go along with the one world plans, they will want to kill you, and that is when I will call My people to My refuges. You will see Me soon in My coming Warning, so have your soul prepared with frequent Confession. Pray the long form of St. Michaels prayer going and leaving from this exorcism. I then saw flames from a large crematorium as the dead bodies were being thrown into the fire. Focus on loving Me and your neighbors, instead of focusing on buying so many things., Jesus said: My son, for now you are comfortable with your natural gas heater working well. You remember the Blue Army well because you started your own prayer group as a Fatima cell, and you just celebrated your 49th anniversary for your prayer group. As you are threatened with this new virus, I will bring My Warning first and then My angels will lead you to My refuges., Jesus said: My people, I have promised you that I will bring My Warning before the next deadly virus will be released. I sent the Archangel, St. Raphael, to help both of them to answer their prayer requests. I have given you My Good Friday oil, and the exorcism water with the miraculous medal which you can use to bless the vaccinated people so they will not die. Private WhatsApp When the wind and floods came, his house remained firm because it had a good foundation. He will be spending a short time in purgatory. Jesus said: My people, there are many places where you feel out of your comfort zone with different groups of people. By trusting in Me and your obedience to My laws, you will be rewarded in heaven with Me for all eternity., (Memorial Mass for Uncle Bill) Uncle Bill said: I am happy to be with my deceased family members, but I am sad that I had to leave Melinda, my daughters, and the rest of the family behind. From this day all generations will call me blessed: the Almighty has done great things for me, and holy is His Name. Trust in Me to protect My believers when the authorities will try to kill you. Pray for your people to find a way around these mandates., Saturday, September 11, 2021: 2021 September : John Leary In todays Gospel (Matt. Your Covid restrictions and the weakness of faith in your people, is evident in the fewer people attending Mass. John Jesus said: My people, Russia is now making threats against NATO if they try to defend the Ukraine. I would not destroy these cities if I found ten just people. You can further show your love for Me by your good deeds in helping your neighbor. I shine My Light and graces on all people, but it takes more grace to love your enemies. Have your food and water ready to share with the people. The internet can have evil things that affect people, so pray to use this service properly, but be aware of its evil use.. Tuesday, August 17, 2021 Jesus said: My people, you are being tested by Bidens actions in Afghanistan, your border problems, and your vaccine The vaccines cause your bodies to manufacture the spike protein to make the virus. Refuse to take the Covid vaccines which could cause people to die. With your overspending your dollar is being inflated and you could see a crash of your dollar. John Leary, or the formally condemned messages of Maria Divine Mercy or the Army of Mary). You could see more serious events coming after December 8th when St. Josephs current protection will end. Trust in Me to provide for your needs, but you have done well in your refuge preparations., Wednesday, June 2, 2021: There are many couples who are living together in sin without marriage. This is a principle that I have made when a country or city is worthy of a punishment for sin. I told the Pharisees that I desire mercy and not sacrifice. Michel also does not advocate for survivalism (he has only john leary The angel told me that my cousin, Elizabeth was miraculously in her sixth month of pregnancy. There will be a challenge to this order because there is not a lot of recent deaths to justify such an overall order. I will tell people in their Warning that they can be healed of their vaccination by blessing themselves with the Good Friday oil, or the exorcism water with the miraculous medal. Matt Hancock said 'get heavy with police' to enforce lockdown When your lives are in danger, I will call you to My refuges., Jesus said: My people, earlier in the year you had a shutdown of your churches, when you could not come to Mass nor Holy Communion. 2021 December : John Leary Christian Prophecy Today Prophet John Leary - Messages from In the Gospel of Mark (5:1-20) I asked the demons name, and they said their name was Legion because there were many of them. This is why the media and tech people are not allowing this information to go public. Then I will bring My faithful down into My Era of Peace where you will live a long time without any evil presence. The unborn babies have every right to live as much as those people after birth. Keeping warm during the winter will be just one of your needs, but your heating would keep you alive from freezing to death. The promise He made to our fathers, to Abraham and his children for ever., Jesus said: My people, you are seeing the one world people trying to invade the privacy of your own home and force things on you that you did not want. You started coming to daily Mass when you were seventeen years old Be prepared for China to take on Taiwan and for Russia to take over the Ukraine. It is best to backup your data files on separate hard drives so you are not a victim of the various ransomware programs. The vaccines are poisons and you have heard some doctors telling you that the vaccinated people could die within two years. By living a life of love for Me and your neighbor, you will receive your reward in heaven. John Leary If you could choose an investment, it would be to buy three months of food for your families. Pray for the conversion of souls and reach out to give them My Blessed Mothers brown scapular, so she can keep them from suffering the flames of hell when they wear and believe in the brown scapulars promises., Jesus said: My son, every time you give a teaching or share My messages in a setting for trying to save souls, you need to prepare yourself for spiritual warfare. The readings are on the end days that I have given you to proclaim, and to prepare the people to endure the less than 3 years of tribulation of the Antichrist. These same people like to show off expensive jewelry to show people that they are rich. It is the one world people who started your recent debt money in 1913. Jesus said: My people, you mentioned several intentions for people who have died recently. Trust in Me to protect My faithful, especially in the tribulation time., (B.W.s Mass intention) Jesus said: My people, pray for the family and for B.W. Tell all of your people how much I love them, and I was always happy to hear Camilles words of his past life., Saturday, June 26, 2021: I stayed with Elizabeth for three months until she gave birth to St. John the Baptist, and then I returned home to Nazareth. Be thankful that you have electricity to cool your houses down with air conditioning and fans. The men were freed from the demons, and they were told to return to their homes. He has cast down the mighty from their thrones, and has lifted up the lowly. After the Warning, you need to work hard to convert your family members to a true belief in Me, so they can receive the cross on their foreheads. I keep warning people to stock up on three months food for every family member, or those people, who do not, could face starvation. Jesus said: My son, you have been out evangelizing people so they could be converted for over 25 years. My angels will help you in all of your accommodations., Friday, December 3, 2021: (St. Francis Xavier) I am giving you My Good Friday oil and the exorcism water to drink for the vaccinated people so they will not die from the vaccine. He has mercy on those who fear Him in every generation. Be prepared to come to My refuges when your lives are in danger., Jesus said: My people, initially you saw how the government was trying to force your employers to have their employees take a Covid shot, or they could be fired. New Prophetic Messages From John Leary Through September 7, WebFind many great new & used options and get the best deals for The Stepfather 2 [DVD], Good, John O'Leary, Renata Scott, Leon Martell, Miriam B at the best online prices at eBay! This is not being made public, but some people are speaking out of such deaths. Be thankful that you have been blessed with Our gift of faith. Filed Under Messages | Comments Off, Thursday, May 27, 2021: Prophet John Leary Tuesday, October 19, 2021 (Brebeuf, Jogues, North American martyrs) Jesus said: My people, I am showing you how people Trust in Me to protect you from harm as My angels will defend you. You are still giving your Zoom conferences to make up for not being able to travel as often. WebJohn Holland Feb 2020 - Apr 20211 year 3 months Perth, Australia Claremont Station Project. Know that I will see to your needs because I love all of you., Jesus said: My son, when you were preparing your refuge, I mentioned that you should have two fuels for heating your house in the winter. John Leary Officials in No 10 struggled to explain how lockdown gatherings in Downing Street complied with the Covid You had to use your internet to see a Mass, but you could not have My Eucharist. Before the Antichrist declares himself to start the tribulation, I will bring My Warning, a conversion time, and then I will call My faithful to the safety of My refuges for your protection throughout the whole tribulation of less than 3 years., Monday, November 29, 2021: COVID-19 topics and emotional frames in vaccine hesitation: A They control the printing of money and they profit from the interest on this debt money. This is a wonderful story of healing cataracts which is a problem today that many people have to have operations to see clearly. The progressive curriculums are bringing down the learning of the children, and they are forcing them to be taught only Godless communism with no word about Me.

Key areas of expertise include sales, marketing, business development, They are threatening NATO to stand down and not interfere with their expected invasion of the Ukraine. Prophet John Leary Messages from Our Lord, Jesus Christ April It was the effects of the Covid vaccine that caused my death. If your people do not resist, then I will bring My Warning, and your free country will cease to exist. New Messages To Prophet John Leary Through September 22, You know the devil is a liar, and his evil workers are also liars. Call on Me and the Holy Spirit to give you the words to speak to the people. Those people, who are on the road to hell, will have a taste of this suffering, so they can see what their life is choosing. You will have other needs for food, water, and your daily Holy Communion. This is also necessary to have a firm foundation in your faith, so you can withstand the temptations of the demons. It is unfortunate that you see fewer young adults who are no longer coming to Sunday Mass. It was the 29th annual countdown of the most popular songs of the year, as voted for by listeners of Australian When you come to your judgment, you will be judged on the fruit of your actions, whether you loved Me and your neighbor, or not., Jesus said: My people, you may be familiar with the Secrets of Oz movie that described the difference between debt money and government script without debt. After all of the evil ones have been cast into hell, I will raise My people into the air so I can renew the face of the earth. My angels will protect them from the demons. She was also curious if My words of prophecy had come about. These viruses and vaccines were purposely made to reduce the population by the one world people. Many parents are choosing to home school their children to avoid the liberal brainwashing. In the second reading you read how you cannot have faith without works. By trusting in Me for everything, I will lead you on the narrow road to heaven., Monday, September 13, 2021: (St. John Chrysostom) I am repeating a previous message that you will live to see this time, just as I allowed Simeon to see Me at the Temple before he died. The Gospel today showed you the ten lepers, who I healed from leprosy, but only one came back to thank Me. I have warned you of a coming deadly virus that will kill a lot of people, but refuse to take any Covid shots, boosters, or flu shots that will ruin your immune system. Pray that such a war could be stopped before many people could die., Wednesday, December 1, 2021: I love all of my extended family, and I am sorry you could not attend my funeral. It is this same strength of faith that I want all of My faithful to have all of the time, so you are confident that I can lead you through life to heaven. Jairus was one of the synagogue rulers, and he had faith that I could heal his dying daughter. You could see a possible increase in your unemployed workers because they will refuse to take the Covid shots and they know how life threatening that the poisonous shots are. As one of the more common approaches for measuring emotion in text, sentiment analyses measure text on a scale of emotion as either positive or negative and is expressed with measures of associated sentiment scores. Writing and drawing his own ideas. This will be the last chance for the vaccinated people to chose to believe in Me, and be healed, or they could die. Trust in Me to protect My faithful at My refuges of protection with My angels. Even in your churches today, some people are using cell phones, which can be distracting to those people who are praying. You saw how vulnerable your gasoline supplies and your electricity are to your systems being hacked by cyber crimes. For nothing is impossible for Me. I asked you to spread My messages about preparing the people for the coming tribulation. I love all of you, and you need to help your neighbor in any way that you can. Pray for your families to get blessed so they do not die from the next virus., Jesus said: My people, I will warn people in their Warning experience that there will be only two kinds of people: those people, who believe in Me, and those people who do not believe in Me. Be ready to come to My refuges when you see a major new war break out.. Only My believers with a cross on the forehead will be allowed into My refuges. You gave the exorcist priest the relics of St. Peter and St. Paul on their feast day. This is another lie from the evil ones who say it does not change your DNA. These people prey on the unknown, and they only want to use the virus as a means of controlling people. Now, I am showing you how they will be disposing of the many bodies by either cremation or by using mass graves. Some areas are even seeing electrical failures as air conditioning is putting a strain on the electric grid. He is a father and grandfather. This is why My refuge builders need to keep practicing, so you will have everything ready and in working order to protect My people.

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john leary messages 2021

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