john poulos george soros

[2] Open Society Foundations financially supports civil society groups around the world, with a stated aim of advancing justice, education, public health and independent media. Prosecutors presented video footage in court Wednesday in attempt to lay out a timeline of Poulos' activities on the morning of Trespalacios'death. Neffenger was in the Obama Administration as TSA head. Smartmatic had been founded a couple years before by two Venezuelan engineers living in Florida, Antonio Mugica and Alfredo Anzola. George Soros is a Hungarian-American Jewish financier who survived the Holocaust. Network edition New Eastern Outlook 2010-2023 Republishing of the articles is welcomed with reference to NEO. Although his ties to Soros are less well known and his ideas are slightly less radical, Albuquerques DA also got his startfrom $107,000 in Soros cashthat boosted his unopposed campaign in 2016. Soros has spent a combined $6 million on California DA races, much of it wasted on failed candidates, but almost half was spent on the successful campaign of George Gascon for Los Angles DA. The body of . The Labour Party member is also a member of the highly secret Privy Council, an elite of some 500+ people selected by the Queen to run affairs of state. The deal is truly a legacy of the financial crisis. Who is George Soros and why is he blamed in so many right-wing Fellow Smartmatic USA board member, Paul DeGregorio, was Chairman of the United States Election Assistance Commission (EAC) from 2003-2007. In 2021, Garza released a man witheight prior felony convictionsafter he was caught toting a gun in a meth-fueled car chase with police. Statement From Dominion Dominion CEO John Poulos Appears Before Georgia State Election Board to Discuss 2020 Voting System Rollout, Disinformation "Dominion is proud to be the State of Georgia's partner in the successful rollout of the new statewide voting system for the 2020 cycle," said CEO John Poulos. Their website, A company called Sequoia Voting Systems, founded in California, was a key link between the software and systems of Smartmatic and the other giant voting company implicated in huge USA 2020 vote fraud, Dominion Voting Systems of Canada. In early 2021, St. Louis becameone of the deadliest cities in the world. Among the crimes that Becton wont prosecute: graffiti, unless the graffiti offends her political sensibilities. Thanks for contacting us. Malloch Brown was a Deputy Secretary General of the UN under corrupt Kofi Annan and was Vice President of the World Bank. . But that gift only hints at . George Soros Is Singlehandedly Destroying American Criminal Justice. At the time Dominion of Canada bought Sequoia SVS Inc, the latter had contracts for 300 jurisdictions in 16 states. (Photo: Sean Gallup/Getty Images. In dozens of voting districts across those states using Dominion systems, the vote tally produced statistically impossible voter statistics, such as 100% or 105% voter turnout or even higher. CNN's John Avlon explains some of the theories surrounding 88-year-old George Soros after an explosive device was sent to his house in New York. Dominion Voting Systems CEO John Poulos talks elections, death threats and lawsuits Axios President Trump and his allies have continued to baselessly rail against Dominion Voting Systems, whose machines will be used tomorrow in the Georgia runoff elections that will determine which party controls the U.S. Senate. Suddenly Dominion, via Sequoia via Smartmatic of London, was a major player in the increasingly corrupt business of computerized voting in the USA. Krasner was reelected in 2021 with thehelp of a $259,000 contribution from Soros. Soros is a convicted felon. Matt Palumbo, author of The Man Behind the Curtain: Inside the Secret Network of George Soros, explains how the 92-year-old has gone around legislatures to decide which laws will be followed. John Poulos: Liar-in-chief for Dominion Voting Systems Interestingly, one area where Bragg isnotexpected to be overly lenient is an investigation intoPresident Donald Trumps business practices, which Bragg conveniently took over after assuming office. The numbers of young men, particularly black and Hispanic young men, who have been murdered in places like Chicago, Philadelphia and Baltimore in the years since Defund the police, No bail and Raise the age laws went into effect have skyrocketed. Cameras inside the airport showPoulos passing through security to board an overnight flight to Panama. Additionally, the Dominion Voting Systems company has admitted being a past donor to the Clinton Foundation and to hiring the former Chief of Staff of Democrat House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, one Nadeam Elshami as a lobbyist. The Daily Signal depends on the support of readers like you. In short, Smartmatic bought US-based Sequoia, put its technology into Sequoia, and then sold it to Dominion. Who Is George Soros? Biography, Facts, and Net Worth - Investopedia George Soros HonFBA (born Gyrgy Schwartz, August 12, 1930) is a Hungarian-American businessman and philanthropist. Trudeau Jr. is a socialist and a globalist, he once stated that he "admires China's basic dictatorship". As Loudoun County District Attorney, Buta Biberaj has championed an anti-incarceration approach to the job, but made headlines forpersonally seeking jail timefor Scott Smith, a father who was arrested for misdemeanor disorderly conduct at a Loudoun County School Board meeting while protesting the School Boards cover-up of his 14-year-old daughters rape by a transgender boy in a school bathroom. PDF Written Testimony of Mr. John Poulos, CEO Dominion Voting - House Ever feel like the only difference between the New York Times and Washington Post is the name? That is OK for election integrity, or? The coronavirus pandemic has created a climate in the U.S. that favors the business of abortion. It was founded in Toronto in 2002 by entrepreneur John Poulos at a time when digital voting machines were replacing paper ballots in the aftermath of the disputed 2000 presidential election in. Dominions Democracy 5.5 system, the one used in Georgia, was approved by the National Elections Assistance Commission in 2018. Voting Technology Companies in the U.S. - ACCESSWIRE As of mid-November, Albuquerque had experienced102 homicides in 2021, the highest number ever recorded, compared to the 67 reported at the same time last year. Private companies have run elections since then. As documented in excellent research by Matthew Ehret, Malloch Brown has been on the board of the Davos World Economic Forum, the prime driver behind the dystopian Great Reset agenda of UN Global 2030. Probably the least well-known and least radical Soros-funded DA, James Stewart was elected as the DA of Caddo Parish, Louisiana, in 2015 with the help of more than$930,000 in funding from Soros. States that attempted to shutter abortion businesses to prevent an overtaxing of the health care system were [] Soros is best known as a financier who has made billions through investments and currency speculation, and a. Breitbart:, Comments Off on List of Prosecutors Backed by George Soros Causing Murder and Crime to Soar. Owens has also recently brought highly questionable murder charges against two police officers. SHARES. Paulson had made his name betting against mortgage securities in the months leading up to the financial crisis. Some Democrats have attempted to distance . George Soros spent $40M getting lefty district attorneys, officials Fact check: False claims about George Soros | Reuters John Poulos Appointed to Memgen's Board of Directors After red flags went up, county election officials did a hand recount of ballots and determined that Trump actually won with 56%, the Detroit Free Press reported. Perhaps just coincidence? Further street camera footage hours later captures a man officials believe is Poulos removing something from a gray car and dumping it in the trash can where Trespalacios was found. November 09, 2020, Grand Blanc resident Linda Klinkenberger, 71, makes her message clear to Michigan election officials as part of a "Stop the Steal" protest. Launching the Open Society Foundations. Donate now. The law created a new federal agency, United States Election Assistance Commission, to serve as a clearinghouse for election administration information; it created Federal funds to help states improve election administration and replace outdated voting systems. Finally the Act proposed to create minimum standards for states to follow in several key areas of election administration. But with close margins in several states, President Donald Trump has not conceded and officials have not certified vote tallies as litigation by the Trump campaign continues. Descano has made it his offices official policy not to prosecutemore than 20 different crimesincluding shoplifting for goods under $1,000, prostitution, and indecent exposure. SECURE STREAM Scott ColomCircuit Court District Sixteen, Mississippi. Hootan Yaghoobzadeh and Stephen D. Owens, both of Staple Street, are on the new Dominion board with Canadian founder, John Poulos. Since 2016, when Soros first began to back the campaigns of district attorneys (presumably as part of the Resistance to the Trump administration), CRC researchers have tracked more than$29 millionin funding from Soros through a personal network of political action committees (PACs) formed specifically to back left-wing DA candidates. @FredLucasWH 14, South Lyon, MI, 48178, John Poulos . Therefore, the Democracy Suite 5.5-A system and corresponding hardware devices do not meet the standards for certification prescribed by Section 122.001 of the Texas Election Code. Canada, Communism, Dominion Voting System, George Soros, China and The SBC Consortium comprised Smartmatic (51%), Bitza software (2%), and state telecommunications organization CANTV (47%). Joe Gonzalez is one of Soross favorite DAs,receiving nearly $1 millionin backing from the billionaire during his 2018 campaign, upsetting incumbent Democrat Nico LaHood in the primary. 25, 2010. He was arrested . Election officials found specific glitches in Michigan and Georgia, but the company says thats not the fault of the equipment. of Dominion Voting Systems. Allowing people with strong political views to essentially count the votes when they are politically connected is almost like allowing a defense contractor to sit in on meetings where the Pentagon decides what weapons systems to use. Join the millions of people who benefit from The Daily Signals fair, accurate, trustworthy reporting with direct access to: Dont have time to read the Washington Post or New York Times? We believe in equality and justice for all.. Under Owens, Jackson has becomeone of the deadliest citiesin the nation, and in 2021 the city sawover 150 homicides(98 murders per 100,000 residents), an all-time high. This meant voters couldnt cast machine ballots for two hours on Election Day, prompting a state court to extend voting hours to 11 p.m. Later, Gwinnett County, which also uses Dominion machines, experienced a delay in reporting results. At 4:32 p.m. local time, cameras capture the same gray car arriving at the airport. George Soros's secret 2016 access to State exposes 'big money George Poulos Obituary (2013) - Chicago, IL - Chicago Sun-Times U F. William Engdahl. George Soros - Wikipedia Nancy Pelosi Meets with Soros-Linked Activists During - Breitbart Flipping a legislature and changing the law is a lot more daunting than just electing one person who refuses to enforce the law. He did, however,recently feud with policeover the graphic details of a report on a rape in broad daylight on a train with many witnesses, none of whom tried to intervene. The contested State of Georgia has eight registered Dominion lobbyists including Jared Thomas, former chief of staff for Republican Governor Brian Kemp. Kim OggHarris County (Houston), Texas. Dehghani-Tafti, along with several other Soros-backed DAs in Virginia, is facinga recall petitionafter crimes like felony aggravated assaultrose 40 percentduring her first year in office. The chief executive officer of Dominion Voting Systems on Thursday did not rule out taking legal action against President Donald Trump as the election technology company has been the target of. In its postelection statement, Dominion asserts that the equipment was approved elsewhere. John Poulos is the C.E.O. Doppelganger murder:They thought their daughter was dead. George enjoyed duck hunting and stamp collecting. He made a fortune as an investor and first began his philanthropic work. After his release with an ankle monitor, the man allegedly went on a crime spree committing 10 armed robberies. What the law did was provide funds to the states to outsource their election management to private companies like ES&S, Dominion, Smartmatic and some smaller ones. He has been also a board member of George Soros Open Society Foundations and Soros Quantum Fund. Two of the three are foreign companies. In 2014, Mugica, together with British Lord Mark Malloch-Brown, announced the launching of the SGO Corporation Limited, a holding company headquartered in London whose primary asset is the election technology and voting machine manufacturer, Smartmatic. And he ran it, Soros ran it. The 2004 referendum was their first venture into voting machines. Why does the hard right from America to Australia and from Hungary to Honduras believe George Soros is at the . With Joe Biden, George Soros finally had a president he could control The Smartmatic consortium successfully falsified the referendum for Chavez. The contested states all swung to Democrat Biden from initial huge leads for Trump. The company controls more than one-third of the voting machine market in the United States, according to multiple news reports. There is a link between the two, though. Getty Images. / Alvin BraggManhattan, New York. Soros is a major funder of Democratic Party candidates and groups, including BLM. On October 29, 2002, President G.W. EAC was created by the 2002 Help America Vote Act and is responsible for administering payments to states and developing guidance to meet HAVA requirements, adopting voluntary voting system guidelines, and accrediting voting system test laboratories and certifying voting equipment. Sitting also with Neffenger and DeGregorio at the USA Smartmatic board is Gracia Hillman who also served as Chairman of the US Election Assistance Commission from 2003 to 2010 under Obama. Mnuchins group was the only bidder for IndyMacs assets and the FDIC was desperately trying to recapitalize the crumbling banking sector. Not overseas, not over state lines, and not even over county lines. Apparently it wasnt such a big step from rigged gambling machines to rigged voting machines for the clever Venezuelan entrepreneurs. Smartmatic today still has deep Venezuelan roots to corrupt Chavez and Maduro circles. John Poulos - $2,820 in Political Contributions for 2020, Campaign Finance, Money, American politics, American political campaign contributions, presidential campaign contributions . Louis, Missouri. Antrim County, a predominantly Republican county in Northern Michigan that went to Trump with 62% of the vote in 2016, flipped to Biden on Election Day, when the count initially gave the former vice president6,000 votes that actually belonged to Trump. But Sequoia, now called SVS Inc. of the USA, was still controlled by the Venezuelan-origin Smartmatics. However, Dominion Voting Systems, Inc. (Michigan) is registered as a "Foreign Profit Corporation" with registered address 229 Brookwood Dr. Ste. Clinton family, or George Soros. Darius PattilloHenry County, Georgia.

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