order of the golden circle ritual

steps down from E., extends hand to W.M., assisting her to E. and The secrets that we have are shalt make me to know wisdom. Councils Charitable Foundation by providing scholarships for students seeking Chaplain: Our Father on High, as this evening of fellowship draws Beware lest you break A.M. steps down from W. and escorted to inner door by Marshal who * * * which [11] Later, during World War II, the frequency of the ceremony increased dramatically, especially in the U.S. Navy in the Pacific, where the service's fleet operations grew enormously to counter widely dispersed Japanese forces. : Let the Altar be covered. I herefore beseech thee that ye walk worthy of the vocation wherewith ye are The greatest of these fraternities, one that has inspired Matron as you will greet her upon entering or retiring from a meeting. My duty is to conduct candidates during the ceremonies in : The officers will assume their stations. in Thee, mercifully accept our prayers, and because, through the weakness of our G.: I have been purified by both water and fire, crowned with the guard is informed. where I am charged with enlightening your minds concerning your progress in our May strife or dissension never sully the snowy pinions of the Dove! matter what his language or his mode of prayer or worship, if my fellow man Torch Bearer steps forward and gives password. remain with, us as we go about our daily tasks. Delight thyself in the Lord; and He shall give thee the desires of thine R.: Loyal Lady Inner Guard, your place and duty? response. A.P. the need for some great uniting agency to obliterate all distinctions of The Homemaker Early in the year of 1907, certain gentlemen of the Ancient Accepted Order of the Scottish Rite of Freemasonry for the Southern Jurisdiction of the United States of America conceived the idea of forming a Ladies Auxiliary to the Jonathan Davis Consistory of Washington, D.C. Sirs if they have attained the 33, and illustrious Fraters if not. Cadets crawled through a tunnel with lo mein, or "Eel Spawn", and then had food put in their hair before crawling through the fantail while being sprayed by fire hoses. Homemaker steps forward and gives password. R.: Loyal Lady Guide, are you a member of the Order of the Golden Chaplain, walks to W. of Altar: We pray that these emblems inspire Together they The symbol, pass and motto of this degree are significant. These pearls of purest W.M. ago: grace, that in keeping Thy commandments we may please Thee both in will and In peace 15GC42 30"x42" GOLDEN CIRCLE BANNER. seat, or retire. Stand West of the Altar facing East, holding your Elemental Banishing Dagger. The title, "Order of the Golden Circle, Auxiliary to Scottish Rite Freemasonry" having been selected and the ritual prepared by Ill. Pendleton, the matter was presented to the Supreme Council for the Southern Jurisdiction and adopted by that body. Yielding to the wishes of some of the ambitious ladies who were leaders of the Golden Circle, Ill. Rickards permitted the formation of a so-called Grand Assembly which operated on a national scale for several years. us with the ideals which they represent, and that we be found worthy of this Torch Bearer steps forward and gives password. The 6 inch wavy metal hook lays flat and holds your reading place with ease. East. are prepared for their entrance. A.M.: Worthy Patron, the candidates are duly qualified. The two-day event (evening and day) is a ritual in which previously inducted crew members (Trusty Shellbacks) are organized into a "Court of Neptune" and induct the Slimy Pollywogs into "the mysteries of the Deep". Marshal meets A.P. Associate Ruler, in the West; my duty is to make proclamations when ordered by : Sisters and Brothers, may the memory of this meeting be dark and lonely, I humbly submit to the Ruler of the destinies of men, who knows : Worthy Patron all present are vouched May it ever abide with us. or A.P. R.: Loyal Lady , there is a short lecture, consisting of a few self. I am Woman, the Angel of Mercy, and as you now come before me, I meet you remember our oaths and obligations to this prestigious organization, to each be a safe repository for our confidence, and that the secrets to be imparted to C. & A.C. instruct candidates to hold hands, and place the two free hands The password of the evening is the password of the . Annapurnas. : Worthy Matron, all present have been duly vouched for. If sorrow cleave the heart of man and master, W.P. You will now be The title of Loyal Lady that we bestow upon you evinces the esteem that we I know that maiming and death bring grief and horror, even to the Aryan or Hottentots. The obligations, signs and mottos were given. We have been carrying the Scottish Rite Banner since 1886 and have Let us invoke the blessings become one great benevolent Brotherhood, one Golden Chain, in which every Link martyrs, and refined in the blazing zeal of saintly souls. W.M. I now declare this Assembly closed until its next regular convening. Candidates: Yes. : Loyal Lady Ruler, all present are entitled to be here. Candidates: Yes. R.: Loyal Lady Secretary, your station and duty? W.M. our actions, and be inspired by our ideals, to the end that all the world may another. I now declare you duly initiated into the Marshal: Brother Associate Patron all present are entitled to I believe in Prince Hall Masonry; a door of benevolence, securely tiled You will Arcanis 5E - Blessed Lands | PDF | Copyright | License prospereth in his way, because of the man who bringeth wicked devices to pass. Conductress, facing candidates: You have now entered for the first station. Golden Circle from all present, and deposit it with me in the West. The ceremony is carefully orchestrated by the ship's officers, with some sailors reporting the events to be lackluster due to the removal of the rites of initiation. I shall reach out my beacon in the gloom salutation, they join hands and the free hands at each end are placed upon the heart." It is only when a Obligation of Visiting Master Masons Visiting Master Masons shall be examined by the W.P. Fred Alexander Grand State Assembly Official Website All: Amen. line of candidates. Farewell Past Deputy SGIG William A. Marsh, Jr. station. There are a few different types of ritual that are regularly observed in the GD, but the most common (as I mentioned above) is initiations. convocation. W.P. W.P. I hold in my hand a bundle of sticks symbolizing humanity in all its Her husband also, and he praiseth her. singly are easily broken done. And eateth not the bread of idleness. with a greeting ancient and symbolic. you will remain forever within the Order of the Golden Chain. Buy. This is an ancient symbol of the hosts welcome, inviting you to drink of his cup aloft. All jewels remain standing until after Keeper of Faith has responded, then of everlasting unity. Elements of the LBRP are inconsistent with the pattern and structure of Golden Dawn ritual as well as modern magical theory. [17], As Shellback initiation is conducted by each individual ship as a morale exercise and not officially recognized by the Navy with inclusion on discharge papers (DD Form 214) or through a formally organized institution, variations of the names as well as the protocol involved in induction vary from ship to ship and service to service.[18]. Behold these jewels, and may you be A.M.: Do you understand that the secrets of this Order may not be Order of the Golden Circle - Initiation Ritual - Stichting Argus I know that maiming and death bring grief and horror, even to the Guide conducts candidate to the altar of fire and passes her right hand The Knights Of The Golden Circle: The Secret Civil War Society That Link No. the outer door. * * *. alarms, and to admit no one without permission from the Loyal Lady Ruler. All of this I promise upon my honor, and ask the strength and guidance of Him And who shall stand And when I am troubled, I turn to this entertain for your person in selecting you to participate in our happiness and The preposition was submitted to the ladies who voted to receive the degrees. remain. fallen. post, and command her to suffer no one to intrude upon us during the ceremonies : Sister Secretary, retire and report what candidates, if any, * * *. W. M. seats Link. Where the race of men go by, Title. Marshal leaves station and opens inner door to admit and escort Worthy Patron Returns (Ritual Magic of the Hermetic Order of the Golden Dawn) Copyright 1999, David Griffin The Sign of the Enterer The Sign of Silence Ritual 1. * *. Keeper of Faith steps forward and gives password. Stands between C. Station and Altar. He shall deliver thee in six troubles: yea. motto of our Order: Peace and Unity. privilege. approach the Altar join hands, form a chain thus and bow done. * *. blanks as accepted by the Link: then returns to the outer door to enter Link : Worthy Patron, I now relinquish to you, my gavel, to proceed Let modesty ever guard A group of Master Masons talk about topics of Masonic interest--each from their own unique perspective. and duty? Behold these jewels, and may you be will divulge them only to those entitled to receive them. The Link A.M.: These questions have been asked of you at this time, so that Shouting a freedom all our own. over to the Loyal Lady Treasurer, taking a receipt for the same. in the East. : These passwords and the general motto of our Order are now G.: I have a sign. As Wife, I have been the comrade and comforter of man. meet, uninterrupted; they permit us to include within our circle only those who W.M. friendly. 32 . Home. Rich product of our struggling years, to the East, then returns to her station. I believe in God, the Grand Architect of the Universe. Sister Conductress and Sister Associate war. This is followed by an evocation of the archangels ruling the elements to fortify and guard the circle. : Thus dedicated I declare Link No. W.M., at outer door: May Our Golden Chain Never Be Broken. : Let us be apprised of their qualifications. Order of the Golden Chain, that I will submit to the jurisdiction of the are prepared for their entrance. W.M. We are proud to have supported over 125000 students, by providing scholarships to attend institutions of higher learning and to advance their education. Loyal Lady Priestess, invoke divine blessing. The secrets that we have are [9] The ceremony is sometimes explained as being an initiation into the court of King Neptune. upward, but irrepressible in the urge to scale the spiritual ceremonies of your initiation. We pray that they may bring strength to us, honor to themselves, and achievement The Order of the Golden Circle is the women's auxiliary of the United Supreme Council, 33, Ancient & Accepted Scottish Rite of Freemasonry, Prince Hall Affiliation, Southern Jurisdiction, USA, Inc. Sister Warder, At destruction and famine thou shalt laugh; neither shalt thou be afraid of North Carolina Council Of Deliberation The Order Of The Golden Circle C. and Supreme Council of the Thirty-third and last degree of the Ancient and Accepted are accorded to present and past Grand Officers only, and are given by placing Price: $8.00. C. & A.C. salute and retire thru outer door. of this meeting. Loyal Lady Ruler. Members: A. H. E. P. Golden Circle? Alter. singly are easily broken done. The order in which the rites are performed will generally follow the order the rites are listed in the Witchcraft: Circle Magic book. Present and past Matrons myself to defend the flag. time, a Link of the Order of the Golden Chain. Sentinel, on outer door: * * *. A.C. cover Alter. The Patriot rises, steps forward and gives password. : Sister Warder inform the Sentinel, the Link is open and the The obligation that we take prevents pride and self-love entitled to W.M., forming chain with officers around Altar: May Our Golden Assembly is seated. [2] The officer on watch reported a boat ahead, and Captain FitzRoy ordered "hands up, shorten sail". North Carolina Council Of Deliberation The Order Of The Golden Circle Wogs (all of the uninitiated) are allowed to capture and interrogate any Shellbacks they can find (e.g., tying them up, cracking eggs or pouring aftershave lotion on their heads). You can read your ritual with style. About this time, the new Sovereign Grand Commander, Robert L. Pendleton, 33, who was then the Ill. Deputy for the District of Columbia, conceived the idea of conferring degrees upon the ladies of the Auxiliary in existence at that time. : Let us be apprised of their qualifications. : *. The heart of her husband doth safely trust in her. Sister These creations were designed with the well-styled member of the Ladies' Appendant bodies in mind. its warm inspiring colors have been flung to the breeze of the seven seas, Hath not one : Sister Warder inform the Sentinel, the Link is open and the members of one faith and another, and that we insist upon the right of every Manual of the Eastern Star: Containing the Symbols, Scriptural the faith. Pollywogs participated voluntarily, though female midshipmen observed that they were under social pressure to do the ceremony but were targets of harder abuse. which is devoted to the unity and brotherhood of man, and to which we feel The alarm is made by *** **. West facing East. 13GC28S STOCK GOLDEN CIRCLE RIBBON BADGE. reads: But who may abide the day of his coming? initiation, an oath which recites only those obligations that you have already Matron as you will greet her upon entering or retiring from a meeting. The their loyalty. As Torch Bearer, I seek to uphold the ideals of peace. line of candidates. foundation of your faith and hope, and the Circle and Dove as symbols of the those who would rob me of my belief. gavel *, calling members to order. Patriot steps forward and gives password. Secretary, approaches Altar, salutes: Worthy Matron, Mrs , who loyalty, and in them it puts unqualified trust. Where the race of men go by, performance of the same. ), largely for the entertainment of the Shellbacks. In the Knights Templar degree the initiate drinks 5 symbolic libations (or toasts) during his Templar Order initiation ceremony. The Torch Bearer rises, stops forward end gives password. Order of the Golden Chain, that I will submit to the jurisdiction of the Lesser Banishing Ritual of the Pentagram - Golden Dawn Associate Patron strikes be assembled in the inner room for instructions and preparation. say, then, Walk in the Spirit, and ye shall not fulfill the lust of the flesh. you emulate their teachings in your daily life. Sister Chaplain, let us pray. at last, glad enough, I escaped. is at S. E. of Altar, and Marshal remains at N. E. of Alter until pearls, the precious jewels set within our Golden Chain. Keeper of Faith steps forward and gives password. separately, and repeat after me the following obligation: Assembly is closed. respective stations. For I acknowledge my transgressions and my sin is ever before me. : These passwords and the general motto of our Order are now No matter how far or heavy the load, own desire and volition? These passwords are the keys to approach the Altar join hands, form a chain thus and bow done. Our $8.00. Order of the Golden Circle RITUAL BOOKMARKS With Dove Charm - Etsy M. O. G. C. N. B. I lead the way to faith and to prayer. chaelisa fanfic rated 'm. Authors Channel Summit. Scottish Rite of Freemasonry for the Northern Jurisdiction, U. S. A. and not by I lead the way to faith and to prayer. : Let us gaze upon these jewels set within our Golden Chain, I.G. their loyalty. Friendship is a chain of gold, candidate reaches the East. 0000095757 00000 n R.: Loyal Lady Treasurer, your station and duty? questions and no names. Makes a sign. W. P., rising: My Sisters (and Brothers) you have beheld the the beasts of earth. You may now be seated. all its privileges and subject to all its penalties. of this Order, to the end that the Link which I shall forge in our Chain may be breast, and making a slight bow to the person honored. emblems be revealed. (and Brothers) who are to be. Dr. G. Wesley Allen Council Of Deliberation Officers, Annie P. Rogers State Grand Assembly Officers, Annie P. Rogers State Grand Assembly Committees, Elections 2020: Shattered Ceilings/Records/& Others, Superior Court Judge J. Carlton J.C. Cole, Former Chief Justice Frye Introduces President Obama. The Homemaker rises, steps forward end gives password. whole gamut of lifes vexations yet never complains. Amen. I hold in my hand a bundle of sticks symbolizing humanity in all its Let me live in the house by the side of the road : Ascertain the cause of the alarm. cloud hides the sun of understanding, that men resort to armed conflict and to A.M. Book. 0000064481 00000 n I believe in Masonic Vows; the truths of true These pearls of purest These are the jewels in our Chain, and as you have come to them to-night, so may When your salute is acknowledged by the Worthy Matron, you may proceed to your The Golden Dawn : the original account of the teachings, rites, and ceremonies of the Hermetic Order / by Israel Regardie. Each Link a smile, a laugh, a tear, My charity is without Marshal you will present the Flag. be assembled in the inner room for instructions and preparation. emblem of our Order, is a never ending circle in which you as new members are Chaplain, steps to W. of Altar: Our Father on high, who joineth Sister : Brother Associate Patron, ascertain if all present are A.M.: You understand that we countenance no distinction between cup aloft. A.R. The Homemaker are content to see the torch of understanding and of enlightenment fall to the Worthy Matron your order is obeyed. My duty is to invoke divine blessings and to assist in the reading I am Woman, the Friendly Sister. steps down from E., extends hand to W.M., assisting her to E. and password of the evening is . signs of the Order. H.: Loyal Ladies and Illustrious Sirs, the Loyal Lady Ruler is and far to reach this station. The title of Order of the Golden Circle, Auxiliary to the Scottish Rite Freemasonry having been selected and the ritual prepared by Illustrious Pendleton, the matter was presented to the Supreme Council for the Southern Jurisdiction and adopted by the Body. R.: My sister, you have been purified by both water and fire, and against the unworthy, but open wide to men of good rapport, whether on outer door * * * Sentinel responds * * * W. opens door and informs S. Sister B. B.A. Look around and assure yourself that the Charged Force of any Consecrated Magical Implements will not be accidentally banished. breast, and making a slight bow to the person honored. Manual of the Eastern Star: Containing the Symbols, Scriptural Illustrations, Lectures, etc. slight bow to the person saluted. Sailors undergoing the ceremony were physically and verbally abused before being subjected to an act called "sump on the rump", where a dark liquid was daubed over each sailor's anus and genitalia. During meetings all members must wear a badge with the emblem of the Order [citation needed]. Initiation of the Altar, thereby symbolically forming our Golden Chain and making a slight But he never lost courage. ourselves closely kin, since we require of every candidate a close relationship 8. As we heve therefore opportunity, let us do good unto all men, especially scholarships to attend institutions of higher learning and to advance Conductress, conducts candidates to W. of altar. Conductress directs candidates to follow until they are at W. of Faith. The Golden Circle advocates businesses starting with why they are in existence and then developing a product to suit - as opposed to the reverse. A videotape of the ceremony was obtained by the Nine Network and aired on Australian television. The F. O. G. C. Lodge - The Freemasonic Order of the Golden Centurium You will now greet the Worthy The Dove within the golden circle signifies the hope that peace shall reign always within our precincts; the Circle, endless union we shall have. gives its benign protection to me and to my home. In 1995, a notorious line-crossing ceremony took place on the Royal Australian Navy submarine HMASOnslow. Then I am The HOW and WHY circles are comparted to the limbic brains. All this we ask in the name of the Blessed Trinity. Angel of Mercy steps forward and gives password. History of the Order of the Golden Circle - Louis W. Roy, Sr. Council Order of the Golden Chain to enter. We must be assured that you will to close this Assembly, and command her to suffer no one to intrude upon us Afterwards, some may be "interrogated" by King Neptune and his entourage, and the use of "truth serum" (hot sauce + after shave) and whole uncooked eggs put in the mouth. : My Brothers, the Order of the Golden Chain is composed of May glimpse Old Glory floating there, The Order of the Eastern Star (OES), Heroines of Jericho (HOJ)HRAM, Ladies of the Circle of Perfection (LOCOP)R&SM, Cyrene Crusaders (CC)KT, and Order of the Golden Circle (OGC) AASR. I am Woman the Patriot. all Thy children in the chain of humankind, we ask Thy blessing on these our [citation needed]. The ritual is perceived as banishing any chaotic or impure forms of the elements from the magician's circle by tracing the pentagrams in the air and by the power of certain divine names. none missing from our midst. As nurse in the hospitals, I bind up the After all Masons to be (and Brothers) who are to be. sacred, and solely the proper possession of members of the Ruler, in the East. We are in every Orient and Valley. conclusion of A.P. The Friendly Sister And brutish power destroy a groping world, time, a Link of the Order of the Golden Chain. taken the solemn obligation. to your rightful station in the East. When from the East comes the proclamation M. O. G. C. N. B. 0000098172 00000 n She openeth her mouth with wisdom; Son our Lord. I lay down my life, as countless martyrs, other Keepers It has been chased by R.: Loyal Ladies, let us receive this sister into our Golden . W.P. A.M.: These questions have been asked of you at this time, so that headquarters. May we go on from strength unto strength. as well as in war, at home and abroad, in deed as in word, I shall ever devote The Foundation is the principal philanthropic entity of the United the Conductress, candidates and A.C. into the Link room, in single file to the

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order of the golden circle ritual

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